Host club royalty Roland demonstrates his night-time routine, claims it’s not dissimilar to yours

Japan’s infamous host shows off his down-to-earth night-time regimen and his luxurious home.

There aren’t many men out there like Roland. He rakes in millions of yen simply by entertaining those willing to pay his premium host prices with his gentle conversation, smoldering eye contact, and flawless sense of style.

In fact, this so-called King of the Hosts has made such a successful living in his career that he’s had his own dedicated space held at a museum and can be found advertising hair treatments that cost almost US$500. But what happens when Roland comes home after a long day of wining and dining his guests? The most recent episode of his YouTube series, The Roland Show, lays his night routine bare for his audience.

“Just because I’m Roland doesn’t mean that I do anything all that different to any of you,” is how Roland begins the video. This is immediately undercut by a sequence of Roland returning home around 11 p.m. and removing his glamorous accessories, placing each one in a pristine showcase that looks more like a museum exhibit than a clothes rack.

We then follow Roland to where he reclines on a leather chair and stares out at the gorgeous night-time view of the city. He always takes ten minutes here to decompress and reflect on his day’s work. If the temperature in this room isn’t to his liking, he can take the air-conditioner remote out of its little glossy black box to adjust it.

▼ Roland gazes out at the city skyline.

Then it’s time for a coffee break. Roland’s kitchen is stuffed to the gills with shiny gadgets, as well as a cache of Dean & Deluca coffee sachets. When asked if they’re his favorites for the taste, Roland demurs. “I like the packaging,” he confesses. “I’m a big fan of grey.” The interviewer asks him if it’s a good idea to drink coffee so late at night. Roland assures the interviewer he will be staying up for a while yet, so it’s fine.

He sips his coffee out of a Roland-monogrammed mug and enjoys watching the fire, and then, deciding he deserves a treat for a hard day at work, it’s time to head upstairs with a bottle of champagne and a drinking glass in hand. He showers to prepare for bed, then takes a long soak in his open-air jacuzzi accompanied by his bottle of champagne, a Bluetooth speaker, and a twinkling border of lanterns.

▼ What, is this not how your evening is going?

After his soothing soak, Roland carefully dries off his golden locks and artfully arranges them under a woolen cap so he won’t ruin his hairstyle as he sleeps. Now begins his final winding down period; twenty minutes of stretches, performed in his personal mirror-studded studio, then he sits down to his desk to study English.

Tonight’s English homework for Roland is translating a Bruno Mars speech into Japanese and then discussing his opinions with his tutor, an American friend that his sister introduced to him. He also has to practice reading it aloud, aiming for natural pronunciation. What makes matters harder is that Roland locks his phone and refuses to use it as soon as he comes home, so he has to look everything up manually and work his brain to the fullest.

Roland is self-deprecating about his English level, comparing himself to a second-year elementary schooler, but insists on getting better so he can participate in English-language spheres. “That way I can strike up a romance with about half the world’s population,” he clarifies.

With his homework squared away, and the clock typically reading 2 a.m. or 3 a.m., it’s Roland’s bedtime at long last. He still refuses to even look at his phone before he tucks himself into his blanket and drifts off to sleep.

▼ Good night, Roland.

If you’d like to compare other routines to Roland’s completely normal, not-at-all celebrity standard life, check out our articles on his self-isolation routine, his unconventional Akihabara routine, and his morning routine!

Source, images: YouTube/THE ROLAND SHOW【公式】
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