Prince Harry’s new “chimpo” job title makes people in Japan giggle

In Japan, a chimpo has a whole other meaning.

It’s now been just over a year since Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle officially stepped back as senior members of the British Royal Family. Since then, the couple, also known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, made the move over to the U.S., where they’re now expecting their second child, and Harry has landed a new job as a Chief Impact Officer for a Silicon Valley mental health services startup called BetterUp.

Like many job titles, the role of Chief Impact Officer can be shortened to an acronym, and in this case it’s being referred to as “CHIMPO” in the U.S. While a lot of people in Britain have mused over the odd-sounding acronym, here in Japan, the musing has turned into stifled giggling, with even local media outlets tittering at the news.

That’s because, in Japan, the word “chimpo” is slang for “penis”.

Yes, that’s right–Prince Harry is now a “chimpo”, and you can bet people in Japan weren’t going to let the news go without a laugh.

“Someone, please explain this to them!”
“I bet this news made junior high school boys happy.”
“It doesn’t matter what age you are, the word ‘chimpo’ always raises a smile.”
“So his role is Chief Pole Officer?”
“Now he’s a Royal C*ck?”
“Imagine if he came to Japan and introduced himself as a ‘chimpo’ to officials? I’d love to see their faces!”

A situation like that last one there would leave any Japanese-speaker red-faced, so let’s hope Harry gets the memo on what the word “chimpo” means in Japanese. But given that he was once mistaken for a wax figure by a Japanese newspaper, a trip to Japan probably won’t be on the cards for a while.

Source: Jin
Top image: Wikipedia/Mark Jones 
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