Magic gummy candies become a viral hit on social media

We try the Japanese confectionery that everybody’s talking about right now.

As more and more people look for outdoor leisure activities away from crowds and indoor spaces, fishing is experiencing a mini boom in Japan.

Not all types of fishing involve a rod and a lure, though — heck, they don’t even require you to be outdoors near any fish either, because Kracie, one of Japan’s leading DIY candy manufacturers, now has everyone fishing for gummy candies, thanks to their fascinating “Caught a Gummy” sweet.

Originally sold from 2011-2015, this unusual offering is one of the many make-it-yourself candies produced by Kracie, designed with children in mind but incredibly popular with adults as well. In February this year, Caught a Gummy made its triumphant return to the market after a product renewal, and ever since then, it’s caused a storm on Instagram and TikTok, with people sharing videos of the eye-popping alchemy that appears when the sweet is being made.

We were curious to see how this fishing-for-gummies works firsthand, so we picked up a pack from the supermarket and laid out its contents in the hopes of landing a big one.

Following the simple instructions on the back of the package, we emptied the blue “juice” sachet into the round section, along with some water, and used the fork provided to mix it all together.

▼ Then we mixed the contents of the orange “foaming sauce” sachet with water in the floral-shaped cavity.

Then, we carefully poured a third of the purple “gummy” packet into the “juice”, and placed the bendy straw beneath the mound of candy.

▼ Lifting the straw reveals the magical sorcery that has everyone hooked.

This fascinating sight might look like CG trickery, but believe us — it’s not. Simply lifting the straw makes a strip of gummy candy appear out of nowhere, as if you fished it out of a pond!

▼ At over 15 centimetres (5.9 inches) in length, this was a big catch!

Despite being fully grown adults who are well-aware that some sort of science is behind the magic on display here, we were still blown away by the magical mystery of it all. The gummies tasted great, and though they were sweet at first, the extra powder gave it a slight sourness that appeals to adult tastes.

We were curious to find out how the candy was made, so we put in a call to the public relations officer at Kracie, who told us it was a corporate secret. This really is a mystery magic trick that’s perfect for blowing everyone’s minds on social media.

▼ Click here for one last look at the magic in action.

Each pack of magic gummies retails for 151 yen (US$1.39) and can be purchased at supermarkets around Japan, where you’ll be able to find Kracie’s DIY sushi sweets on shelves too.

Photos © SoraNews24
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