Japan gets Captain America chest pillow, Thor hammer tissue holder in new Marvel lifestyle line

You can cuddle with Cap and keep your nose clean with Thor’s hammer.

Japanese lifestyle brand Felissimo actually caters to a variety of lifestyles. If, for example, you’re all about cats, they’ve got an array of feline-inspired items for you, but they’re also quite happy to supply you with a wardrobe that lets you dress like a fashionable modern-day witch.

For its next endeavor, Felissimo is teaming up with Marvel. But remember, this is s lifestyle brand for us non-superpowered people, and so the focus is on bringing the fun of Earth’s mightiest heroes to everyday, at-home situations, like with this replica of Thor’s hammer Mjolnir.

Within Marvel’s comics and movies, Mjolnir can only be wielded by worthy warriors. Felissimo’s version is quite a bit more egalitarian and can be used by anybody who needs a tissue.

The head of the hammer is hollow, and opening a flap allows you to fill it with tissue paper, which can then be pulled out through an opening at the top.

Alternatively, if what you’re suffering from isn’t a runny nose, but a lonely heart, Felissimo can arrange for you to snuggle up with none other than Captain America himself.

The ”almost life-sized” cushion recreates Cap’s patriotic pecs, and ostensibly softens his rock-hard muscle tone to something more cuddling-conducive.

▼ The designers recommend the pillow for anyone who wants to be “wrapped in strength and gentleness.”

▼ The backside is a more abstract representation of the character.

Officially called the Mjolnir Tissue Holder and Captain America Arm Pillow, both items are available online here (tissue holder 5,950 yen [US$53], arm pillow 10,890 yen) through Felissimo’s online store.

Source: PR Times
Featured image: Felissimo
Top image: Felissimo
Insert images: Felissimo (1, 2)
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