You need this instant Japanese curry rice if you hate cooking but want to eat a balanced diet

This instant cup curry rice is blessed by the gods!

Sometimes when we’re busy, broke, or just plain tired, getting enough nutrition is challenging. It’s hard to find healthy, ready-made or easy-cook meals when you don’t have the time or energy to look for them. Add to that having a picky palate, and it can be downright impossible!

That’s why our Japanese-language reporter Haruka Takagi decided to try out Nissin’s Kanzen Meshi (“Complete Meal”) instant food series. As boasted on the many commercials they’ve been airing on Japanese TV, these instant dishes, which come in a variety of forms including rice, noodles, curry, and even pasta, are said to provide a balanced meal.

According to Nissin’s product website, the products in the Kanzen Meshi series have 33 kinds of important nutrients in them. Apparently, nine out of ten registered dietitians polled said, “This would be great to have as an option for a meal on a busy day.”

Haruka recently tried a particular Kanzen Meshi that was so good, and its cooking method so magical, that it had to have been blessed by the gods, she felt. She actually found it while she was on vacation. It was the last day of her trip and she had stopped at a local 7-Eleven for something to eat. There she spotted Curry Meshi (curry rice) and Ra-Ou ramen from the Kanzen Meshi series. Both of their packages had the phrase “The perfect balance of nutrition and flavor!” written on them in bold characters.

Each one cost 429 yen (US$2.93), which is about 200 yen more than the regular versions of Nissin Curry Meshi and Ra-Ou Ramen. That’s also about the price of an average bento from a convenience store or supermarket. Frankly, Haruka wasn’t too sure about that price for something that was basically just instant food. But after spending too many days in a row eating out, she felt a pressing need to get something healthy or at least nutritionally balanced into her system, so she found the Curry Meshi’s slogan, “For those who find figuring out nutritional balance a hassle!” relatable.

The packaging was kind of chaotic, but in a good way. It contained all kinds of bold yet ridiculous statements like, “Just mix and believe! Comes with a Kanzen Mysterious Powder!” Then, in what was clearly designed to look handwritten underneath it said, “I’m sure it’ll become curry.”

“What do you mean ‘you’re sure’?” Haruka mumbled. “Is there a chance it won’t become curry?!”

Still, Haruka couldn’t pass up the chance to try it, so she bought one and immediately brought it over to the store’s preparation counter to make it. Inside the big plastic top were two small bags: the “Mix and believe! Kanzen Mystery Powder” and a “finishing oil”. Apparently, both packs are to be applied before eating, after pouring hot water into the main cup and waiting five minutes.

The inside of the cup looked like this, with rice and some other ingredients.

That was quite a bit different from Nissin’s regular Curry Meshi, which comes with a roux cube inside (as pictured below).

Wondering how else this Kanzen Meshi would be different, Haruka poured some boiling water in and waited the designated five minutes.

Then she added the Kanzen Mystery Powder…

And the finishing oil.

Then she began to stir.

Woah! That was fast!!

In just about six quick seconds, the meal became a thick and syrupy curry. Despite being in public, Haruka couldn’t help but cry out in surprise. That was way too fast!

With Nissin’s regular Curry Meshi, the roux takes a lot more mixing to properly dissolve, which Haruka thinks is kind of annoying. So to have a Curry Meshi that was finished in just (five minutes and) six seconds makes this a food blessed by the gods! More so even than the nutritional balance, this speed itself was worth the 429 yen price tag.

The 7-Eleven Haruka had purchased it from didn’t have an eat-in area, so she brought it back to the car to try. How was the flavor?

Great, with no drop in deliciousness despite the speedy prep time and increased nutrition benefits.

It had a very sweet flavor and Haruka thought the aftertaste lingered a little longer and felt a little drier than usual, but if she had given it a blind taste test, she probably would never have noticed. In fact, it might have just been her imagination. In any case, it was good enough that hungry Haruka finished it in a flash.

It was legitimately tasty. The more Haruka thought about it, the more she wondered what she’d been doing wasting her life stirring regular Curry Meshi for all those long minutes. “This really was so easy to prepare…”

Haruka found herself wishing Nissin would change their regular Curry Meshi to this powder format. The fact that it’s done and ready to eat after just six seconds is truly amazing. The “nutritionally balanced” perk is really just an added bonus!

If you’re someone who finds cooking a pain and needs to find ways to eat a more balanced diet, this is definitely something you’ll want to try. Here are a few other suggestions too. Eating without cooking doesn’t have to be bad for you!

Photos © SoraNews24
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