Mothra wants to dominate your home’s interior as a gigantically awesome tissue cover【Photos】

Godzilla’s kaiju colleague is the perfect way to add some giant monster flair to your living or work space.

A pretty good litmus test for how much thought and care you’re putting into your home’s interior design is whether or not you have a tissue case cover. If you’ve just got a box or soft pack of Kleenex sitting on the living room table or arm of your sofa, it’s hard to say you’ve really finished decorating.

So if you’re looking for an understatedly elegant tissue box cover to tie together your chic, contemporary aesthetic…well, sorry, we’ve got no ideas. On the other hand, if you’re searching for something dynamic, instantly unforgettable, and, if you’re of a certain mindset, even kind of cute?

Then you need a gigantic Mothra tissue case.

The Queen of the kaiju skies appears in her larva form, measuring 66 centimeters (26 inches) from wingtip to wingtip, and 60 centimeters from nose to tail.

▼ Ah, we mean 60 centimeters from proboscis to tail. Pardon us, Mothra.

Online retailer Premium Bandai, who’s offering the Mothra Larva Tissue Case, doesn’t mention anything about how much it weighs in the press release, but its sheer size suggests that it’s probably about as heavy as a throw cushion, so it’s unlikely to go sliding around your desk without some pretty forceful jostling.

▼ The tissue box slides inside the straps on the bottom.

And as this unsettling angle shows, the Mothra Larva Tissue Case is also large enough to smother you, should your enemies decide to use it as a weapon, or if the cushion somehow gains both sentience and unbridled malice against humanity.

Barring those unlikely scenarios, though, the case is likely to leave you alive and basking in the admiration of any fellow kaiju fans who visit your home and have a sniffle.

Orders for the Mothra Larva Tissue Case can be placed through the Premium Bandai website here, where it’s priced at 13,200 yen (US$102), with shipping scheduled for June.

Source: @Press via Japaaan
Images: @Press
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