Ghibli embroidered patches/brooches let you wear your love of Ghibli anime/food on your sleeve

Or on your bag, hat, or whatever other part of your outfit you like.

Oftentimes, what makes Studio Ghibli anime so beautiful is the artistic subtlety. A tiny shift in a character’s expression or a brief lingering on some aspect of the natural environment help establish mood and emotion that spreads and grows throughout the scene, like ripples on the water after tossing a tiny pebble into a pond.

And if you’re looking to add some subtle but unmistakable-to-fellow-fans touches to your wardrobe, there’s a new line of Studio Ghibli patches and brooches to help you do just that.

These embroidered works of art are being offered through Tokyo’s Ghibli Museum’s gift store, but can also be ordered through its online shop. A total of five designs are on offer, starting with the “Museo” small white Totoro version pictured above. There’s also a large gray Totoro standing under a tree…

…the Ghibli Museum Crest

Porco Rosso’s flying boat aircraft…

…and the family crest of Dola, leader of Castle in the Sky’s sky pirates.

Each is priced at 1,485 yen (US$11) and their stylish but understated designs make them applicable to both dressy and casual fashions.

The patches pictured above aren’t iron-ons, so you’ll need some sewing skills to attach them. On the other hand, there’s also a pair of metallic-thread embroidered brooches too.

These hand-embroidered, higher-quality versions of the museum crest and small Totoro patches can be pinned to your lapel or other parts of your outfit, but carry prices of 14,300 yen for the museum crest and 9,460 yen for the Totoro.

And while they’re not brand new, the Ghibli Museum online shop has also restocked its pin-on Ghibli food embroidered brooch series, for which your options are Satsuki and Mei’s bento boxed lunch from My Neighbor Totoro, the “Laputa toast” made by Pazu in Castle in the Sky, a chocolate Kiki’s Delivery Service cake, and Calcifer’s bacon and eggs from Howl’s Moving Castle.

▼ The bento and toast patches, priced at 2,970 yen each, come with a small Totoro and Sheeta’s pendant, respectively.

▼ The stand-alone cake and Calcifer brooches are 2,640 yen each.

The entire lineup can be ordered here through the Ghibli Museum online shop website.

Source: Ghibli Museum
Top image: Ghibli Museum
Insert images: Ghiblu Museum (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
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