Japanese vending machine sells just one thing at this station

Find out why this machine has been turning heads.

If you haven’t noticed, our team of roving reporters gets very excited whenever we spot a new vending machine. While some of the most unusual types are few and far between, there’s still a wide range of one-off machines that rate just as highly in terms of rarity, and our reporter Mr Sato has a good track record of finding them, just as he did the other day while walking through Tokyo Station.

Mr Sato’s well-trained eye immediately sensed that this was no ordinary vending machine, and as he stepped towards it, he realised he wasn’t the only one to think it was unusual — passersby also seemed enamoured, turning to look at it and even stopping to take photos.

The pink hues were incredibly eye-catching, and as he got closer, he realised what was making heads turn — this machine was filled with nothing but strawberry juice, and a very special type at that.

▼ The strawberry variety used in these drinks is the acclaimed Tochiotome, from Tochigi.

Standing directly in front of the display, Mr Sato’s entire vision was filled with strawberry juice bottles, making him feel as if he had no power to refuse them.

Which one to choose, though? That was an odd thought when faced with rows of identical bottles, but Mr Sato felt himself thinking it all the same. He fed 200 yen (US$1.49) into the machine and allowed his forefinger to wander, eventually leading him to a button on the far right, which he dutifully pressed.

In seconds, he became the proud owner of a very rare, limited-editionTochigi Tochiotome Strawberry“, which had “” (“ichigo”), the kanji for “strawberry“, emblazoned on the label in bold print.

Resisting the urge to drink it right then and there, Mr Sato popped the bottle in his bag and took it home with him for the grand taste test.

With the statement, “contains 20 percent strawberry juice” on the label, Mr Sato was keen to find out just how fruity this concoction would be. Pouring the drink into a clear glass for a proper visual inspection, Mr Sato was instantly greeted by the strong, enticing scent of strawberry.

Taking a sip, he discovered a refreshing sourness in the flavour profile, mingling delightfully between the sweetness, and the aftertaste was surprisingly refreshing. Mr Sato doesn’t usually like fruit juice as he finds it to be too sweet, but this he could happily polish off without any problem at all.

Another plus is the fact that the drink uses strawberries that would otherwise go to waste, so Mr Sato’s purchase was working to prevent food loss as well as refresh his palate.

The only downside is the fact that there are currently only two vending machines that sell the drink — one at Tokyo Station and one at Utsunomiya Station in Tochigi Prefecture, the home of the Tochiotome strawberry.

Tokyoites will be able to find the machine outside the Marunouchi underground ticket gate, next to the stairs at the south exit bus stop. And those who want even more strawberries can purchase the actual fruit from this unusual vending machine in Shinjuku!

Photos ©SoraNews24
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