Can you really drink Sushiro Japan’s limited-time-only drinkable cake? We find out

Unclear instructions lead to anxiety and confusion on our reporter’s part.

Japan is great at serving up drinkable versions of food, whether it’s cold ramen, curry, and even apple pie. Yet no matter how many of these concoctions we try on the SoraNews24 team, we wonder each and every time–can you really drink this?

That’s what our Japanese-language reporter Seiji Nakazawa thought when he spotted limited-time-only drinkable cake frappes at Sushiro, a popular Japanese sushi chain restaurant. Doubtful but willing to be proved wrong, Seiji decided to order it.

▼ You can choose between Strawberry Shortcake Frappe or Caramel Nut Cake Frappe for 290 yen (US$2.12)  each.

▼ The yellow message bubble on the sign says “Mix and drink”.

Seiji went with the strawberry shortcake version, unsure of whether it would even look like the picture on the menu when it came out, but…

▼ …there is indeed some cake in there.

How can this get through a straw? Seiji wondered. The straw had a wide opening, but the cake blocks were clearly wider. Seiji thought it would be better eaten as a parfait.

▼ Intrusive thoughts won.

In fact, he was so sure it would be better as a parfait that he took a bite of it without mixing first. Tastes like a parfait! Seiji thought.

Truthfully, he was just stalling for time–he was totally confused about how to go about mixing it. Sure, the sign said to mix it, but there was no instruction manual to reference. What am I supposed to do, Sushiro? Seiji despaired.

▼ “Die, cake, die!”

He decided to just go for it and stab the cake blocks with the straw…maybe a bit too violently. The more he mixed, the more shake-like it became in texture. Seiji began to think this might actually work. Still, he couldn’t forget about the big cake chunks in there.

▼ He took a sip…

It was drinkable! He had no issue emptying the cup.

So, yes, Sushiro’s drinkable cake is indeed drinkable. As for the flavor, Seiji personally thought it would be better eaten as a parfait. The creamy texture of the whipped cream and the softness of the sponge cake were lost in the mixing process, though it didn’t taste bad.

If you want to try one of these cakes, you’ll have to head down to Sushiro before May 28 when the limited-time offer ends. On top of that, there will only be 190,000 of these drinks in total served at Sushiro around Japan, so it’s better to go now than later. Happy sipping!

Photos ©SoraNews24
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