Dominos Japans new Pickles Pizza: Does it taste as bad as it looks?

A crazy pizza that likely won’t be released in Japan again.

Ever since we heard about Domino’s Japan’s new Pickles Pizza, which contains nothing but dill pickles and camembert cheese sauce, we knew we had to try it.

Image: PR Times

Released on 3 July, the Pickles Pizza is said to be inspired by a recent U.S. trend where pickles are used as pizza toppings. Domino’s Japan, however, has taken things to the extreme by topping the new pizza with a whopping 600 grams (1.32 pounds) of sliced dill pickles, and pairing it with nothing but a camembert cheese sauce to balance out the sourness of the pickles.

Our reporter P.K. Sanjun thought this pickle-heavy pizza was utter madness, but as a pickle lover himself, he was curious to find out whether he or anyone else in the office would like it. So he went out and picked one up for 2,495 yen (US$17.32), which was significantly cheaper than the delivery price of 5,090 yen.

▼ When he lifted the lid on the box, he saw that the pizza was larger than usual, and absolutely covered with pickles.

The chain describes the size as “NY style“, which has a diameter of 40 centimetres (15.7 inches), and the extra surface area allowed the pickles to release their pickly aromas around the office.

▼ P.K. plucked out a slice for a taste test.

Closing his eyes in trepidation, P.K. brought the slice to his mouth, took a bite, and found that…it didn’t taste bad at all! For some strange reason, he didn’t feel like he was eating a pizza, and after thinking about it for a bit, he figured that must’ve been due to the fact that there were so many pickles, and the acidity of the pickles was surprisingly mellow. After taking a few more bites, he said it was “like eating the pickles part of a McDonald’s burger“.

It was good enough for him to enjoy a couple more slices, but by then he’d reached his limit. Knowing how much his colleagues love pizza, he decided to share it with them, setting up a table by their desks and getting out of the way before they all descended upon it.

▼ However, nobody moved at all.

Well, this was an unexpected response to pizza in the office that P.K. had never seen before. With nobody wanting to try the Pickles Pizza, P.K. had to resort to cutting the slices in half and handing them out personally. Only then, and after much prodding from P.K., would they try it, and after gathering their responses, the consensus was the same as P.K.’s — that the pizza didn’t taste bad.

They all said they wouldn’t be able to eat a lot of it, though, which led P.K. to conclude that this is one of those crazy Domino’s pizzas that probably won’t ever be released in Japan again. Unlike Pizza Hut’s Wiener Coffee Pizza, which was so popular its sales were extended, this Domino’s offering just doesn’t have enough going for it for people to want to order it more than once.

So if you’re curious to try a pizza with over half a kilo of pickles, now’s your chance. And if you want to take a walk on the really crazy side, you can always request double toppings, for 1,200 grams (2.65 pounds) of pickles!

Images: ©SoraNews24 unless otherwise stated
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