Spirited Away No Face lamp is back, senses when you’re near, welcomes you with lantern light【Pics】

Nice to see you again, No Face, and to know that the feeling is mutual.

At first, Spirited Away’s No Face is an unsettling, even frightening presence. The strangled croaks the creature “speaks” in make it hard to tell what No Face is thinking or trying to say, and one of the few times it does manage to convey its emotional state in the first half of the Ghibli anime is when it bursts into rampaging rage.

But as we learn as the movie goes on, No Face is actually very, very lonely. So it’s fitting that there’s a No Face lamp that senses when you’re nearby, and turns a light on to welcome you back.

While it won’t illuminate the whole room, the 16-centimeter (6.3-inch) tall figurine will illuminate a desk or footpath when your draw near and trigger its motion sensor. No Face is carrying a chochin, or traditional Japanese lantern, which is why the item is called the No Face Chochin Sensor Light.

▼ The lantern is marked with the kanji character 油, abura, which makes up the first part of the name of the Aburaya bathhouse that Spirited Away takes place in.

The figure/lamp was first offered by Ghibli specialty shop Donguri Kyowakoku a few years ago, but like much of the chain’s coolest creations, eventually sold out and was unavailable for some time. They’re back in stock now, though, just in time for holiday gift shopping or anyone looking for a little extra light as we get deeper into autumn and the nights get increasingly long.

▼ Not that the figure doesn’t look great in the light of day too, mind you.

In addition to physical Donguri Kyowakoku location, the No Face Chochin Sensor Light is being offered through the chain’s online shop here, where it’s priced at 4,950 yen (US$33). There’s no official word on how long it’ll be available, so if you missed out last time, you’ll probably want to get your order in sooner rather than later, and if you want to add even more Spirited Away touches to your interior, Donguri Kyowakoku also has a way for the witch Yubaba to hold some of your possessions for you, as long as you trust her not to just keep them for herself.

Source, images: Donguri Kyowakoku
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