Merry Christmas from SoraNews24!

Happy holidays to our readers around the world!

In Japan, the Christmas season is filled with holiday cheer and festive decorations. Oh, and just as importantly, in our book, it’s filled with delicious, high-calorie foods too.

Two of Japan’s most important Christmas customs are stuffing yourself with KFC takeout and eating creamy Christmas cake. We weren’t about to break either of those traditions, and so we had plenty of both last night. After that, we got precious little sleep, staying up late and worrying whether we’d been good enough boys and girls to get any presents from Santa (most years, we figure we’re in the clear, but we’re not sure if dressing like a Japanese street tough automatically puts you on the naughty list or not), and so we’ve made the decision to take today off to relax, recover, and play with some of the 50 Hello Kitty plushies we recently required.

Before that, though, we want to take a moment and express our gratitude to each and every one of our readers for visiting and supporting SoraNews24, and we hope you’re spending the season with people you love, whether that means you’re visiting family, out and about with friends, or just finally taking advantage of an opportunity for some much-needed me time.

Happy holidays, and we’ll be back tomorrow with more articles about all the wonderful and weird things to be found in Japan!

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