Amazon Japan’s Ice Cream Lucky Box will make you feel like you’ve won a dessert lottery

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This is one fukubukuro that deserves all its high ratings and rave reviews. 

Just about every company in Japan celebrates New Year by selling fukubukuro lucky bags, and over at Amazon, there’s a lot to choose from. Our ice cream-loving reporter Masanuki Sunakoma didn’t have to think twice about which one to buy, though, as he headed straight for the Ice Cream Lucky Bag, priced at 4,280 yen (US$30.16).

With over 100 reviews and a high rating of 4.2 out of 5, this wasn’t like any of his low-rated budget buys, and the rave reviews from buyers made him excited to open the box when it arrived on his doorstep.

Raising the flaps on the box, Masanuki lifted out the newspaper that was protecting his precious ice creams inside.

The paper insert had been taken from the Sports Nippon newspaper, commonly known as Sponichi. The main news story on this page was dedicated to 2023 World Junior Figure Skating champion Mao Shimada, the first Japanese female to successfully complete a triple axel and a quadruple toe loop in one program.

Masanuki couldn’t help but wonder if the company had purposely included this article about skating because of the icy contents of the bag. In any case, it made him smile, and now it was time to check out the ice creams!

▼ Wowsers!

Check out this haul! Masanuki almost leapt up and punched the air with delight, because there were 30 type of ice creams before him, making him feel like he’d just won an ice cream lottery.

There were so many ice creams he could barely stuff them into his freezer. He certainly wouldn’t be needing to stop by a convenience store for an ice cream anytime soon.

Before he packed them away, he stopped to get acquainted with each one, which made him feel like something of a teacher getting to know his students. At the head of the class were these four Häagen-Dazs, playing the role of well-dressed students who come from luxury backgrounds.

▼ Tubs of Häagen-Dazs like these retail for around 350 yen at the convenience store, so these four are valued at 1,400 yen, which is around a third the cost of the bag.

The popular and casual-style ice creams like Ogorimasse, which has a fun gorilla on the package, and Garigari-kun were the sporty athletes of the class, while the sensible Home Run Bar (pictured below) was the class representative.

Morinaga’s Mow Prime Double Hokkaido Adzuki was a little messy, but it had a heart of gold, or in this case, red beans.

The Mow turned out to be one of the best ice creams in the entire collection, and Masanuki had no complaints with any of the other items.

He was incredibly satisfied with the contents of his haul, and now he’s gotten a taste for ice cream, he’s tempted to explore more of the country’s lesser-known regional varieties!

Photos ©SoraNews24
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