Japanese sweets company teaches us new way to enjoy traditional Japanese rice drink

Get the benefits of amazake without the strong sweetness.

Amazake, a traditional Japanese drink made of fermented rice, is said to have as much nutrition content as brown rice. It has a distinct sweetness and a, well, rice-like texture, which can be a turnoff for some. Luckily, Japanese sweets company Morinaga has come up with a recipe that our Japanese-language reporter Yui Imai thought would suit her tastes: Coffee Amazake.

The recipe on Morinaga’s website is almost as simple as it sounds. All Yui needed was amazake–commonly sold in individually sized cans or cartons in Japan–coffee, and honey.

Yui wanted iced coffee, so she started off with some ice cubes in a tall glass, then she poured in the milky white amazake.

When she carefully poured in the coffee, it created an eye-pleasing gradation.

▼ Her Coffee Amazake was complete!

After a quick stir, she took a tip. As expected, the bitterness of the coffee cut through the amazake’s strong sweetness to create a well-balanced beverage.

▼ If you’re wondering where the honey in the recipe went, it’s actually optional!

For Yui, who doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, just coffee and amazake was enough. Upon trying a sip of it with honey, Yui concluded it was more of a dessert drink.

With this recipe, Yui figures anyone can experience the health benefits of amazake year-round, especially as a refreshing summer beverage. One Japanese cafe chain served this hot for a limited time, as amazake is commonly served as a warm winter drink. Maybe Yui will give it a try!

Photos ©SoraNews24
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