The Top 5 Boys’ Love Manga in English on digital content library MangaPlaza goes beast mode

Readers are hungry, like the wolf.

Another year has passed, which means it’s once again time to look back and see what Boys’ Love manga titles have been getting the most love from English readers. And what better place to do that than English-language manga-reading app MangaPlaza, who, despite offering a wide range of manga, has been leading the way in delivering BL and related genres to users around the world for two years now.

According to MangaPlaza, the most popular titles have been from among their original content that appeals to women readers. So, without further ado, here are the five most-read BL series on their service for 2023 listed in no particular order.

Sating the Wolf by Troy Arukuno

Image: ©︎Troy Arukuno/ShuCream Inc.

Few stories explore the romantic complexities of a predator-prey relationship quite like this title which follows wolf Noah as he falls for a rabbit named Henri. Most rabbits would avoid wolves like the plague, and rightfully so since most wolves would tear them limb from limb, but readers are glued to the pages while finding out how these two crazy kids somehow make it work.

Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King by Kumagoroshi

Image: ©︎Kumagoroshi/Mobile Media Research

If interspecies intrigue isn’t enough, how about something more interdimensional? Bad boy Rintaro is plucked from the mean streets of our reality and placed in a different one where he’s the subject of Alpha Beast King Varuna’s affection whether he likes it or not.

Spoiler alert: He likes it.

Hands Off My Sub by Same Zarame


Haruki is one of the most popular hosts at his club, and yet it doesn’t fulfill his inner desire to be submissive. As an outlet, he seeks out a dom on a dating app that fits the bill perfectly for a one-night stand and lets Haruki vent his needs. However, the next week who should appear as his new co-worker but that very dom he hooked up with before. Ain’t that always the way?

What’s Wrong with Being Innocent? by Shigure Fuyushima

Image: ©︎Shigure Fuyushima/SHODENSHA Publishing CO.,LTD.

The slightly oxymoronic titular question is asked by the protagonist of this series who desires some TLC and tries to custom order it from an escort service. However, it goes horribly not as planned when his escort turns out to be the assertively passionate Ryota, who also happens to go to the same school. Can these two disparate souls find harmony in their differing views of love?

My Personal Weatherman by Nikke Tano

Image: ©︎Nikke Taino/Solmare Publishing

A lot of people’s personal weatherman is Siri, but for erotic manga artist Yoh, it’s his roommate who’s an actual professional weather forecaster named Segasaki. Segasaki brings a lot more to the table than weather apps too by doing all the cooking and cleaning. However, in exchange, Yoh must obey everything that Segasaki says.

Bear in mind, those are just the BL titles that have trended on MangaPlaza over the past year. They also have a wide range of other romance and “mature” women-oriented series, some of whose titles are so risqué I dare not utter for fear of getting our website blocked in certain places. Just head on over to MangaPlaza to see for yourself and take advantage of their two-year anniversary celebration. They’ll be giving away points from a pool of over one million and up to 50 percent discounts to those who make purchases. There are also more free chapters, and added pages, and they’re even giving out points to users just for making reviews.

But you better act fast because anniversaries only happen once a year, unless it’s a leap year or on another planet or something, but you get the point.

Source: Press release
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