Oops! There’s something not quite right about Nana Mizuki’s live tour publicity image…


Nana Mizuki, one of the few voice actresses in Japan who also has a successful singing career, is about to embark on a live tour, dubbed Live Adventure 2015. With 10 albums under her belt, the multi-talented seiyuu has been having annual solo concerts since 2000, and it’s no surprise that fans are abuzz over her upcoming tour, which starts on July 4. But the excitement and anticipation has not blinded net users enough to overlook some careless photo-editing that was spotted on one of the event’s publicity visuals.

Have you spotted the spooky mistakes in the photo yet? Read on to find out where they are!

To err is human; even professionals slip up sometimes, which is why it’s always a good idea to have someone else check your work, especially if it’s something that is going to be seen by an Internet-full of people.

Publicity is one of the most crucial factors that affects the revenue of an event, and one would think that the event organizers would be meticulous in their checks of official materials, but somehow they failed to notice the hair-raising oddities in this image that have gotten netizens talking.

▼ Whose hair is that?!

After the “spot the mistake” images went around online, the event organizers were quick to remove the mystery hair and replace the image on Nana Mizuki’s homepage with a rectified version.

▼ Before and after.

Perhaps she just has super long, incredibly well-kept, armpit hair? Sorry, Nana ;-)

You know how some publicists claim that “any publicity is good publicity”? Well maybe that saying is true after all. I mean, look, now all of you good people know that Nana Mizuki is having a concert! Are any of you Nana fans going to this one?

Source: Game Over
Top image: Twitter (@byakko_kko)

Origin: Oops! There’s something not quite right about Nana Mizuki’s live tour publicity image…
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