21 Times You Wanted To Quit "Grey's Anatomy"
But obviously couldn’t.
When Addison (Kate Walsh) showed up and destroyed Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek's (Patrick Dempsey) relationship.
And you were like, Well, that was good while it lasted FOR ONE SEASON!
And then when Derek picked Addison over Meredith!
And you were like, I can't watch a show where Derek is with another woman.
ABC / Via wonderfulworldofwebdesign.tumblr.com
When Derek had to deliver Bonnie's (Monica Keena) dying words to her fiancé.
And you were like, Meredith tried so hard to save her from the pole after the train crash and if they just waited a few more minutes to start the surgery she could've said goodbye herself and what is this cruelty?!
ABC / Via gifsanatomy.tumblr.com
When Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) died and Izzie (Katherine Heigl) couldn't get off the floor.
And you were like, What do I have to live for if Denny isn't in this imaginary world?
ABC / Via gifsanatomy.tumblr.com