23 Times People Met Celebrities And Totally F*cked It Up

It doesn’t get much worse than almost vomiting on Ryan Gosling.

Submitted by Liz Karsa, Facebook

Francois Durand / Getty Images / BuzzFeed

2. "When my mom was 19, she went to California with her friends. They were in a cab stuck in L.A. traffic, looked over and saw Stevie Wonder in a town car next to them, and immediately started freaking out and waving at him, so starstuck they completely forgot that he was blind. His driver saw and laughed and turned back and said something to him and Stevie Wonder looked at my mom and her friends and waved."
Submitted by Morgan Tonning, Facebook

3. "Bill Clinton was playing golf at our military club in the midst of his recent scandal with Monica Lewinsky (I was 8 years old). My first indiscretion was the fact that I was wearing a Republican National Convention shirt when I shook his hand. The second was when I casually said, 'So, how's Monica?' I've never been led out of an establishment faster in my life... My dad still won't speak of it to this day."
Submitted by mguardthepea

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