Daughters Get The Hairstyle Their Moms Want For Them

I feel like an I Love Lucy character.

Do you ever fall victim to nagging from your mom about your hair? "Do this. Do that." Does it ever end?! We got three women to let their mom design their hairstyle for the day, and things got a little wonky.


It's pretty safe to say all the moms had some strong feelings about their daughters' hair...

It's pretty safe to say all the moms had some strong feelings about their daughters' hair...

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... And they couldn't WAIT to tell YouTuber and hair guru Kayley Melissa what they wanted WITHOUT their daughters in the room.

... And they couldn't WAIT to tell YouTuber and hair guru Kayley Melissa what they wanted WITHOUT their daughters in the room.

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Let the styling begin!

Let the styling begin!

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