Tons Of People Have Tonsil Stones Even Though You've Never Heard Of Them
These mostly harmless stones can be quite annoying, and the images are pretty gross!
Gross Science explains the science behind tonsil stones, which you probably didn't even know were a thing, even though tons of people have them! / Via
This is what a tonsil stone looks like. Warning: pretty gnarly!
While the image is pretty tough to look at, it's more common than you think!
Gross Science / Via
Host Anna Rothschild explains that you might develop tonsil stones if you have repeated bouts of tonsillitis, or even just big ol' tonsils.
Tonsil stones are more common that you think! Ask around, you probably know a few people who have them!
Gross Science / Via
You might not even know they are there, because they can grow BEHIND the tonsil, just out of sight.
Gross Science / Via