Tokyo man arrested for stealing women’s “treasures” and other general creepiness


Tokyo Metropolitan Police have announced the arrest of one Shochi Nagata for allegedly sending an email to a woman in her 30s containing photos of herself along with pictures of her shoes and underwear which he had stolen, together with the caption: “I’ve just snatched your treasures.”

Further investigation is also hinting that the suspect was in the possession of a veritable bounty of other women’s “treasures” as well, making him something of a modern-day pervy One-Eyed Willie.

The incident which led to 48-year-old Nagata’s arrest began in August of 2014 when a middle-aged woman caught his eye at a convenience store in Taito Ward, Tokyo. After following her home, he allegedly snuck in and rifled through her belongings.

After returning to his own home, he supposedly sent the woman the fateful email containing his “I’ve just snatched your treasures” message using an email address which he had found on some documents in her room. It is unclear if the message was intentionally creepy or if the suspect thought that acting like a pirate might have driven the victim wild with adventurous excitement. Sadly, I wouldn’t put it past some guys to think that way.

According to the police, several other items including pairs of women’s shoes, clothes, and underwear were found at a location connected to the suspect, and the investigation is ongoing.

Readers of the news naturally had a lot to say, such as:

“How gentlemanly of him to notify the victim.”
“He’s like Arsène Lupin of deviants.”
“At least he’ll be ranked highly among perverts.”
“What was this guy’s endgame? Did he just want to smell them?”
“The report said he’s unemployed, but I think it should say his job is ‘God of the Perverts.'”
“If you’re going to risk your freedom stealing something, might as well make it shoes and underwear.”

Needless to say, maturity had not won the internet on this day. Still, it would be kind of fun if Nagata really turned out to be some playful clothing bandit with no ulterior sexually offensive motives. Perhaps if convicted he might become a legend by stealing the underwear of guards and officials before leaving a note that reads, “I have stolen your treasures, and now I must now bid this prison adieu.”

Someone get on writing that TV series, please.

Source: TV Asahi via My Game News Flash (Japanese)
Top Image: Amazon

Video: YouTube – ANNnewsCH

Origin: Tokyo man arrested for stealing women’s “treasures” and other general creepiness
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