21 Things You'll Only Understand If You're A Girl Who Hates Feelings

This hug is already five seconds longer than I’m comfortable with.

The idea of a weepy romantic comedy is completely lost on you.

The idea of a weepy romantic comedy is completely lost on you.

You've never cried at The Notebook and you probably never will.

VH1 / Via giphy.com

While many people find couples cute, you find them kinda gross.

While many people find couples cute, you find them kinda gross.

Please, for the sake of my stomach, leave your feels at home.

youtube.com / Via giphy.com

Because PDAs are the absolute worst and you will avoid them at all costs.

Because PDAs are the absolute worst and you will avoid them at all costs.

E! / Via giphy.com

You're the worst person to bring to a wedding or funeral because you're always the only dry-eyed person in attendance.

You're the worst person to bring to a wedding or funeral because you're always the only dry-eyed person in attendance.

Via giphy.com

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