Facebook Now Lets You Completely Erase Your Ex From Your Timeline

13:05 cherishe 0 Comments

So, you just ended your 3-year relationship and you’re feeling great about it.

Well, sort of.

You’ve deleted his number, erased every text exchange and successfully burnt every memento lingering around your apartment.

Only one question remains. To unfriend or not to unfriend?

Facebook has finally answered our breakup prayers by unveiling a set of tools allowing users to manage how they interact with former romantic partners.

Now, you can avoid the always-awkward “I’m unfollowing you” text.

Starting November 19, you’ll have new options after officially changing your relationship status on Facebook mobile. Omit photos, videos and status updates including your former flame’s name, should they pop up on your timeline.

According to Facebook, you can untag all photos of you and your former partner as soon as you change your relationship status. You can also edit your profile to ensure your ex can’t see any content you put up.

Facebook plans to update its features according to the feedback it receives.

As of now, just be happy your ex won’t see your first post-breakup girls’ night.

Facebook Now Lets You Completely Erase Your Ex From Your Timeline

Credit: Elite Daily » Women