Being attacked by a sword-wielding maniac? This martial artist has perfect defense!【Video】


Dealing with sword attacks isn’t like the movies, but this master will show you how to defend against blade-wielding crazies you might meet on the street!

In the movies, getting attacked by a swarm of ninjas wielding swords is a problem only if you’re not a bad-ass hero. For those playing leading or supporting roles, escaping with your life is a simple matter—unless you happen to be a beloved (but not leading) character in a Joss Whedon film. (Not Wash! You bastard!) Just turn the blades back on the attackers and be home in time dinner!

But for average people like us, our best defense against a sword-wielding maniac is a bit different. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult and it should be easy to remember! Just follow the steps outlined by the martial arts master in this video…

▼ RocketNews24 is not responsible for anything that may happen as a result of following this advice.

In case you can’t watch the full video right now for whatever reason (like if someone’s attacking you with a sword), we’ll break it down for you into the essential steps below.


The first step is easy! In the words of your annoying roommate who won’t stop quoting the one Monty Python film they’ve seen…

▼ “Run away!”


▼ Additional demonstration of the technique shown below



Um, keep running, we guess? Maybe call the cops, because we’re pretty sure threatening people with weapons is illegal in most jursdictions…

And now you’re done! See, wasn’t that simple? And you don’t even need to be a martial arts master to put this technique to use—in fact, we bet almost anyone could use it with only minimal training! Of course, it won’t always work; there may be times when there’s no where to run or your attacker is faster than you.

Nevertheless, as one Japanese commenter put it, “三十六計逃げるに如かず sanjuurokkei nigeru ni shikazu,” or, “In a tight situation, the best thing to do is run away.”

We can’t argue with that!

Sources: YouTube/DailyPicksandFlicks via Grapeee 
Featured image: YouTube/DailyPicksandFlicks
Images: YouTube/DailyPicksandFlicks, Giphy

Origin: Being attacked by a sword-wielding maniac? This martial artist has perfect defense!【Video】
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