Creative drawings to reply to wedding invites are all the rage in Japan right now 【Photos】


How do you reply to a friend’s wedding invitation: with a simple check mark in a box, or a thoughtful work of art?

From filling out important documents to something as minor as holding a pencil or chopsticks, a lot of effort is put into doing things the “right” or “proper” way in Japan. While the correct way to reply to a wedding invitation (after having scrubbed out any honorific prefixes pertaining to oneself of course!) would be to tick the appropriate box to indicate whether or not you will be there, these creative artists went outside the box—literally!—to jazz up their invitations before sending them back to their friends.

Alongside a well-done sketch of Studio Ghibli’s character Porco Rosso are the kanji 「祝の豚」—Iwai no Buta—meaning “celebration pig”, which is a spin on the Japanese title for the movie Kurenai no Buta, meaning “crimson pig”. Including the option to “attend” from the RSVP, the clever artist also includes Porco’s famous quote from the movie, turning “Tobenai buta wa tada no buta da” (A pig that doesn’t fly is just a pig) to “Shusseki shinai buta wa tada no buta da” (A pig that doesn’t attend is just a pig).

Recreating the scene from One Piece, where the character Robin shouts “Igitai!” (I want to live!—which is technically “ikitai“, but we all know how ridiculous we end up sounding when we try to talk while crying…), the artist took advantage of one of the Japanese language’s many homonyms, changing the characters from 生ぎたい to 行ぎたい, and thus changing the meaning from “I want to live” to “I want to go”. Very clever!

In another quick-witted scene recreation, this time from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the character Dio shouts, “I will happily attend your wedding, Erika!”

How about some classic Mobile Suit Gundam to announce your presence?

As a Sailor Moon fan, I would love getting this one. “In the name of the moon, I’ll be there!”

Why not let Vegeta reply for you in his typical manner full of anger: “You dare think that I wouldn’t attend?!! I’ll tell you now, my address is [blank]. CONGRATULATIONS!!”

Here’s a sniveling character from Slam Dunk, who originally is pleading with the coach, “I want to play basketball…” But this ain’t no game, it’s a wedding! So, his new dialogue reads: “I want to attend…”

Here’s a cute little bunny, who shows the bride and groom what they can do with their “Will not attend”… and kicks it right in half! Obviously this person feels very strongly about going.

Simple, yet cute and creative all the same, these little cube men use their graffiti to show that this guest WILL be attending.

Another awesomely done Gundam sketch, with a mobile suit blasting away that good-for-nothing “Will not attend”!

All of these creative little works of art are sure to have brought a smile to the soon-to-be-wedded’s faces, and brought a little more excitement to the task of opening the replies. This is something we’ll for sure be keeping in mind for the next wedding we’re invited to!

Source: grape
Top image: Twitter/@supraut@taicho_

Origin: Creative drawings to reply to wedding invites are all the rage in Japan right now 【Photos】
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