Get your cute fix for the day with these amazing hamster figures created by Yumi Nakano

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We certainly hope you enjoy looking at rows and rows of cute things, because that’s exactly what we have in store for you here!

Now, we know there are tons of really, really cute animal figures out there, but we’ve absolutely fallen in love with these hamsters produced by animal figure mold creator Yumi Nakano, and we just had to share the images with you!

To the delight of many Japanese internet users, Nakano has posted many photos of her figures on her Twitter account, including those that give us an idea of how her adorable figures are made.

▼Here are the hamsters just taken out of their molds. Yup, those rodents keep reproducing.

▼ In this picture, the figures are being polished with care.

▼ The figures here have been painted with base coat. They still look shiny and wet, but once the base coat dries, the surface will have a matte appearance.

▼Here, they may look like the hamsters are being toasted, but they’re just been air-brushed to a nice brown color.

▼ Here’s how the finished hamsters look. They look cute enough to eat!

▼ Just see how nice and plump that little bum looks!

▼ Nakano even has some hamsters dressed for a wedding! Now, isn’t that sweet?

▼ She also creates figures of animals other than hamsters, including these white rabbits. The rabbits look like they have black eyes in they picture, but their eyes are actually a deep red.

▼ And this lop eared bunny is just too cute to be a mere figure!

If you enjoyed these photos, you can see Nakano’s works on the Hamuco. website which specializes in hamster and small animal figures and her adorable pieces can be purchased at the ART HOUSE in Osaka and Momofuku in Kyoto, and through online shops such as the Koubou Noren Gallery and the Momofuku Online Shop as well. She also has hamster and rabbit miniature figures available as gachapon toys through toy maker Kitan Club, known for their wide range of quirky gachapon trinkets and figures.

We hope we can continue to see more cuteness from Nakano, because, hey, who can resist these gorgeous little critters, right?

Source: Twitter/ @yamofim via CuRAZY
Top image: Twitter/ @yamofin

Origin: Get your cute fix for the day with these amazing hamster figures created by Yumi Nakano
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