Help Wanted: Pervy security detail to guard panties for upcoming Hentai Kamen film release

If you have a love of panties, sense of justice, and are of mediocre intelligence, then panty-headed superhero Hentai Kamen wants you!

If you head over to the employment website An, you’ll find a special posting for “abnormal security” by the film Hentai Kamen: The Abnormal Crisis. The positions are open and duties include “guarding cast members during an opening event of the movie,” “escorting panties,” and “delivering said panties to cast members.”

There are no age restrictions but the ad requests that applicants “have a genuinely strong sense of justice,” “possess common sense,” and “bring a spirit of ecstasy to security work.” In return, guards will receive 50,000 yen (US$450) for six hours work including breaks, meal allowance, transportation costs, and uniform rental (panty-mask included).

Although the ad doesn’t say specifically, the security appears to be for an “opening day greeting” in which the cast and crew of the latest Hentai Kamen film gather to celebrate its opening. Hentai Kamen is the film adaptation of the infamous manga in which high school student Kiyosuke Shikijo gets superhuman powers whenever he puts panties over his head.

In Hentai Kamen: The Abnormal Crisis, a new threat emerges as women’s underwear all over the world begins disappearing and Hentai Kamen must panty-up and face his most dangerous foe yet.

If you’d like to be a part of this piece of cinematic history, then be sure to apply by midnight on May 8. It’s pretty safe to say that this is the only gig where you’ll get paid to wear panties on your head.

Well, almost the only gig, right Mr. Sato?

Source: An via IT Media
Images: An
Video: YouTube/Hentai Kamen



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