Like creating manga? Want to visit Japan? Then enter the International Manga Awards!


The Tenth International Manga Award submission period is open now. Gold and Silver Award winners will get a chance to visit Japan!


Though Japan is known for a variety of cultural and technological exports throughout the world, manga and anime are among their most famous. In fact, manga and anime are so popular, they’ve become a major part of the international activities of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs—the Ministry is even trying to “spread MANGA culture to overseas” though the International Manga Award.

▼ The Choju-jinbutsu-giga is considered by some the “first manga.”


The Ministry recently announced that is is now accepting applications for the 10th International Manga Award and submissions will be accepted until June 17. Anyone can submit manga that was produced outside of Japan within the last three years, regardless of whether it has been published or not. So if you have a masterpiece manga manuscript sitting in your desk drawer at home waiting to see the light of day, this your big chance!

▼ The winners of the 9th International Manga Award


One gold winner and three silver winners will be selected and invited to Japan to attend the award ceremony. While they’re here, they’ll also get the chance “to exchange ideas with Japanese manga creators, visit publishing companies and make [excursions] to local sites.” For the complete set of rules and application form, be sure to visit the International Manga Award website. The award ceremony is planned for February 2017.

Past winners have come from a wide variety of countries, including China, Malaysia, the US, Thailand, and France, so if you’re an artistic, manga-loving person, be sure to submit your best work!

And if you’re like me and you’ve got the artistic skills of a rock, you may prefer to sit back and appreciate this Iron Maiden ukiyoe print instead. It’s certainly one of our favorites!

Sources: International Manga AwardMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Images: International Manga Award



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