You have cat to be kitten us with these totally OTT kitty T-shirts!【Pics】

Check out these pawsitively epic kitty shirts available on Ameowzon Japan! (Uh, we mean Amazon. Amazon Japan.)

Wow, this range of eye-cat-ching kitty graphic t-shirts are clawsome! And totally a-mew-sing, in a self-aware and highly edgy way. Fancy Feast your eyes on the full range!

▼ Hovercats and Business cat.

▼ “Taco cat” spelled backwards is “Taco cat.” Mind. Blown.

▼ Who wouldn’t want a t-shirt featuring frickin’ cats with frickin’ laser beams?

▼ Kung-fu kitties and jet-farting mice!

▼ By the power of Graykitty!

▼ This galactic kitty riding a big old slice o’ bacon is our spirit animal.

▼ This clowder of kitties shirt will leave no doubts as to your undying allegiance to the cat faction.

▼ Waterfall-barfing kitty of glory

▼ This battle-hardened action hero kitty isn’t going to take any purr-isoners, that’s fur sure!

Not only are they the last word in epic kitty couture, the shirts are only 1,900 yen (US$17) each, available online from Amazon Japan!

Let’s pawse for a mewment, though. Not everyone on the internet finds these shirts as aesthetically paw-leasing as we do. In fact, some even turned to Twitter, that hotbed of pro-cat-stination, to register their disa-purr-val of all things, describing the shirts as “totally sick and ill!” (and not in the good way). It’s a shame, but we guess they’re just not feline the look.

▲ “WTF these t-shirts so impactful looooooool”

What do you think of these wacky kitty shirts? Would you purr-chase and wear them in public? And have I made too many cat puns in this post? (You cat stop me making cat puns, I’m afurraid. It’s just my purr-rogative.)

Source and images: Amazon Japan via Hamusoku



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