6 Reasons Food Is The Only Thing You Need To Understand To Win A Girl’s Heart

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It is often said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’m here to tell you that one of the surest ways to get a girl to fall in like with you is to feed her. It’s simple and foolproof. Don’t overthink it; just do it.

Feed her without question, feed her often and don’t ever stop.

Do that, and you will undoubtedly win her over. Unless you’re trying to date a girl who doesn’t like to eat, in which case I cannot help you. So many fights can be avoided if you keep her away from the “hanger zone,” and so many positive feelings can be enticed with the aid of food.

Find yourself in an argument? Give her pizza. Pizza solves almost anything. If pizza doesn’t work, then go for sugar. I’ll prove my point below. Here are the six ways food will always get you the girl:

1. It shows that you care about her feelings.

I don’t know if there are any demonstrations of affection that mean more to a girl than making sure she doesn’t go hungry.

It can be something as simple as calling in a to-go order she can grab on the way home before those hangry feelings set in. It’s little acts like this that make her feel thought of and cared for.

2. Your dining preferences demonstrate your compatibility.

Being able to eat together pretty much tops the list of important qualifications when I’m evaluating the relationship potential with someone new.

If you don’t like breakfast for dinner, I don’t like you. If you are strict about what you eat — always portion controlling and calorie counting — then it’s definitely not going to work between us. Not that those are bad things, to each their own and kudos to your dedication, but definitely not a match for me.

3. It encourages her to be herself.

If she knows she can eat in front of you however and whenever she likes, she knows she can count on you not to judge her.

Let me break it down for you: Embracing her eating habits and encouraging her to feel comfortable around you demonstrates that you accept her just as she is.

Nothing is sexier than a guy who adores you just the way you are.

4. It’s the perfect date.

I used to think dinner dates were boring. In fact, I didn’t even give the importance of eating together a second thought. Turns out, I just hadn’t found the right partner yet.

It can be sitting on the couch sharing slices of cheesecake while watching the latest episode of “Game of Thrones.” Or it can be indulging in intimate conversation under the soft lighting of your favorite romantic restaurant. Either way, food is the common denominator in building memories together.

5. Sugar makes her feel good.

When you eat sugar your brain produces more dopamine, a chemical that has a feel-good effect on your body.

Next time you’re having a tense conversation with your significant other, throw a pint of ice cream into the mix and see if it’s still possible to frown while sharing spoonfuls of happiness.

Guys who frequently take their girls out for dessert, or who constantly have a healthy reserve of ice cream in their freezer (for emergencies, of course) have it all figured out. Marry them.

6. Anticipating her mood makes you a wizard.

I cannot place enough emphasis on the preventative benefits of keeping your woman properly fed.

Hunger can lead to anger, mood swings and tears. If you suggest getting food before she’s even realized she’s hungry, it’s basically the equivalent of pulling a bunny out of a hat. She will look at you in awe and appreciate your awareness of her needs.

This skill is the end-all and be-all of relationship success.

Now go out there and feed your girl, so you may reap the rewards.

6 Reasons Food Is The Only Thing You Need To Understand To Win A Girl’s Heart

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily