Amazon Japan responds to man’s tweet about his furry online purchase, internet is in love


An adorable tweet and a playful reply from Amazon has the Japanese net talking about both the cat and Amazon’s customer service.

It’s no secret that cats love boxes. Why our feline friends share a universal interest in cubical cardboard, we humans may never know, but if you’re a cat owner and have an empty box lying around your home, chances are you’ll soon find a little furball sleeping in it. Much like @uo_kzm, whose adorable tuxedo cat made himself at home in an empty Amazon box.

The Twitter user captured the moment on camera and shared it on Twitter, jokingly writing, “Bought a cat on Amazon.”



Shortly after it was posted, he received a response from Amazon Japan’s official “Help” Twitter account:

“Thank you for using Amazon Japan. We understand you’ve had some problem with your… a cat?!Σ(´□`;) mew
We don’t handle cats here at Amazon, so there is a possibility the cat slipped in after the package was opened. Please verify this matter.(*´-`).。oO (…so cute…)”

The banter continued with @uo_kzm’s response:

▼ “@AmazonHelp thank you for your reply. This isn’t what’s listed on the delivery slip, so it must have been swapped out when the box was opened. He seems to be really enjoying himself.”

Unfortunately, it seems as though they don’t do returns for cats…

“As we can’t do anything for goods that have been switched after the package is opened, we wish that he will live happily with you forever. (*’-^*)”

Amazon wasn’t the only one smitten with that big kitten. His box antics have been liked over 10,000 times and retweeted over 13,000! The comments have been rolling in as well:

“This made my day.”

“So cute! He looks just like my cat at home!”

“Was there a scratching post included?”

“So cute! I love him!”


“What a kind reply! Amazon has some wonderful people, it’s no wonder they’re successful.”

You may not be as lucky to end up with a cuddly ball of fluff in your next Amazon order, but that’s okay. Just make your way over to a cat cafe!

Source and top image: Twitter/ @uo_kzm via My Game News Flash



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