The Ultimate Guide To Playing With Your Boyfriend’s Ball Sack

Ah, ball play. Is there anything more fun than experimenting with the sack? It’s such a power play.

His balls are his prized possessions. Getting up in his ball sack is a big deal. You literally have a man by the balls. It’s very empowering.

But other than some classic teabagging or licking, what do you even do with these strange, kind of wrinkly, dangling gumdrops between your man’s legs? Not all women want to put their boyfriend’s balls in their mouths. That’s where handling comes in. How do you fondle a ball sack with the finesse of a true ball prodigy?

Here is the ultimate guide to playing with your boyfriend’s ball sack. Go forth and fondle responsibly.

The Gentle Jellyfish

The Gentle Jellyfish is a crowd favorite, ladies. It gets the whole sack into your hand, leaving no inch untouched.

Pretend your hand is a jellyfish and your fingers are the tentacles swimming through the water. Place your BF's nut sack in the clutch of your makeshift tentacles and gently squeeze and massage the balls. Don't tug or pull; just wiggle your fingers like waves upon the sand. Unlike a real jellyfish, your tentacles won't sting. They will only caress.

The jelly is perfect to use during missionary sex — slip a hand between your man's legs for an erotic surprise. It sounds poetic because it f*cking is.

I came up with this maneuver as a way to keep my nails from digging into the sack. When you have long, witchy nails like mine, you have to be aware of them when you're engaging in ball play.

I haven’t met the man yet who didn’t enjoy the smooth stimulation of his having his nut sack jellied.

The Dice

For something a little more eclectic and fun, try The Dice. Just as an aging man at a craps table in Atlantic City might carefully rotate his dice in one hand, so, too, shall you gyrate your boyfriend's balls in your palm.

You're obviously not going to actually rearrange them like you would a pair of dice — that would result in a visit to the ER. You will just create a sensual illusion.

This trick is unlike the Gentle Jellyfish in that it requires a bit of focus. I like switching between the two moves to keep things interesting.

The Electric Bop

I call this move the Electric Bop because when you do it, your man will jolt like a current of electricity is coursing through his body.

Before you perform this move, make sure your boyfriend is INTO ball play of the aggressive variety. If he likes his ball sack tenderly caressed exclusively, this might not be his cup of tea(bag).

To pull this off, simply slap his ball sack sporadically in the throes of passion. It's perfect for when you're in cowgirl and want to push him over the edge to orgasm. For guys who like a surprise, this move will make them crazy.

Don't hit him with too much force. You don't want to smack him like you would with that crop you bring out on special occasions. Just tap his sack, while keeping in mind that these are his crown jewels and they need to be handled with care.

The Milked Udder

Yes, I'm talking about milking your boyfriend's ball sack right now.

While giving your boyfriend a hand job, use one hand to gently squeeze and pull his balls like you would the udder of a cow you were trying to milk.

Squeeze and pull, squeeze and pull. Don't squeeze with the force of The Hulk; keep the movement measured. I particularly love this move right before a guy comes. It makes for a finish to remember.

The Clown Nose

Have you ever seen a clown honk his nose at terrified children at a birthday party? You're the clown, and your boyfriend's ball sack is the nose.

This move is not for everyone. It's an acquired taste. I'd suggest only trying it with someone you really trust.

Some people think it's weird, but they don't know what they're talking about. Also, don't make the “honk, honk” sound effects that you would with the nose of an actual clown. It's not sexy.

To perform the Clown Nose, just daintily squeeze your boyfriend's sack. Keep the movement rapid. If he seems to be really feeling it, keep doing it. If he isn't, go back to the Gentle Jellyfish. It works every time.

The Fast Tap

Last but not least, we have the Fast Tap. This move is exclusively for the guy who likes intense ball play. You know, the adventurous type of man who doesn't mind risking a surface bruise in the pursuit of interesting erotic quests. It also quickens orgasm.

It's pretty simple, actually. When you're either in cowgirl position or doggy style, reach between your legs and give your boyfriend's sack a few quick and rigorous underhand taps.

It is not for the faint of heart, but for the ball play aficionados, it can be very pleasurable.

The Ultimate Guide To Playing With Your Boyfriend’s Ball Sack

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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