Long train is looooooooooong: US military freight train in Japan is wowing the internet 【Video】


♪This is the train that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on and on and on…

It sucks to get stuck at a railroad crossing just as those red lights start flashing and the crossing gate lowers for a train to go by. Luckily in Japan, the majority of the time it’s for a passenger train, which usually passes by quickly.

Unluckily for Twitterer @_GHOST_CHASER, on June 27, he was stopped at a crossing for a freight train. And not just any freight train; this one was transporting military goods for the US military. Lots and lots and lots of goods.

@_GHOST_CHASER began recording just as the train started to pass, and then we see car after car go by, carrying what looks to be enough tanks to outfit an entire country.

Halfway through the video you’re likely already anticipating the end of the train, or at least I was. But it doesn’t end, it just keeps going and going. (Like that darned Energizer bunny…)

▼ At least it’s not carrying any tanks.

Energizer_BunnyImage: Wikipedia

@_GHOST_CATCHER didn’t seem to mind though, writing when he posted the video: “The US military freight train is super cool. And super long.”

Long might be an understatement, but hopefully our Twitterer was’t late to whereever he was headed!

Source and top image: Twitter/@_GHOST_CHASER



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