The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Getting Ready After Sleeping Past The Alarm (Again)

When I was a teenager, it used to take me hours to get ready.

My mother would force me out of bed at least two hours before I had to get in the car to drive to school, and yet every day (without fail), I would walk into homeroom late because of some beauty dilemma.

Chalk it up to being a teenage girl, but back then, looks were the top priority of my morning routine, and nothing could trump it.

Fast-forward a decade or so, and a lot of things have changed. Don’t get me wrong; I’m still always late, but usually it’s because I hit the snooze button a few too many times.

(Seriously, those girls who spend two hours every morning getting ready and walk into work looking like they’re in “The Devil Wears Prada” are complete aliens to me.)

I am the ultimate lazy girl. I still care about the way I look, but my main priority in the morning is to get the best result with as little time and effort as possible.

Nowadays, I’ve gotten my morning routine down to a solid 30 minutes. This may seem long to you men out there, but trust me, this is no easy feat.

Here are a few tips I’ve picked up throughout the years:

1. Steam in the shower.

One of the best pieces of time-saving advice I’ve ever received was from a random girl in my gym locker room.

Instead of pulling out the iron or steamer in the morning for your wrinkled pants and shirts, hang them in the bathroom while you shower, and allow the natural steam to do all the work for you.

You’ll save time and still manage to have that crisply ironed look.

2. Keep it dirty.

I shower every day, but that doesn’t mean I was my hair every day. On average, I do a full wash and blow dry for my hair once per week.

Why? Because those natural oils in your scalp are actually pretty healthy for your hair, so you should keep them around for more than 24 hours.

While you may not be comfortable letting your hair go wild for an entire week, even cutting down to washing every other day can streamline your morning routine.

And if you’re not sure what to do with your unwashed hair, try investing in some good dry shampoo and sea salt spray to add a little oomph to your ‘do.

3. Pick products that have dual purpose.

Even lazy girls love makeup. But damn, who has time to bake and contour before you head into the office?

The best thing I ever did for my skin was invest in a tinted moisturizer.

I’m terrified of getting old, so I like to slather myself in a low-maintenance moisturizer that not only adds a little color to my skin, but also has SPF in it to fight off the aging effects of the sun.

If you’re more of a heavy-coverage type of gal, try streamlining other areas of your makeup routine like investing in a lip and cheek rouge or a clear brow gel that is safe for lashes.

For more tips and tricks on how to look good the lazy way, check out the video up top.

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The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Getting Ready After Sleeping Past The Alarm (Again)

Credit: Women – Elite Daily


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