First footage from live-action JoJo movie arrives, images of main characters also revealed!
We get a first look at some of the actual footage, as well as visuals of the key players in the JoJo live-action movie. Does it live up to expectations?
There’s no denying that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has been one of the most successful manga franchises of all time. Now in its eighth story arc and still ongoing 30 years since its inception, the comic series has recorded sales of over 100 million copies.
▼ Yes, it’s a long story, and the picture below shows only the comics up to the fifth arc!
In September last year, we reported that the series’ fourth story arc, Diamond is Unbreakable, was getting a live-action movie adaptation to be released this coming summer. Now, at first thought, it may seem surprising that such a popular manga hadn’t been turned into a live-action film after all these years. Considering how unique the series is both visually and plot-wise, however, you have to admit that producing a live-action JoJo film is bound to be a seriously daunting if not near impossible task — at least if you want the movie to look half decent. (If you’re not familiar with the series, the characters mostly look like Greek statues and use supernatural powers that are visualized in outrageously fantastical forms, so anyone who thinks a JoJo film won’t be incredibly challenging to make is only deluding themselves.)
For such reasons, the reaction from JoJo fans in Japan to a live-action movie has unfortunately been overwhelmingly negative since the announcement was first made, and also after the first image of actor Kento Yamazaki portraying Josuke Higashiakta, the teenaged protagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable, was released in January this year.
Since then, official images of the other key characters who will be in the movie have been released, along with a short trailer containing footage from the actual film. Let’s take a look at the pictures.
▼ Popular actor Ryunosuke Kamiki, who voiced the protagonist of the mega-hit anime Your Name, plays Josuke’s usually mild-mannered yet tough and reliable friend Koichi Hirose.
\広瀬康一 解禁❗/ 東方仗助の同級生であり、友達思いで平和を愛する康一。 どことなく頼りなさげで、由花子から一方的に熱い思いを寄せられる康一を 演じる神木隆之介さんは、初のおでこ出しスタイル #ジョジョ映画 #神木隆之介
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 07, 2017
▼ Here we see Josuke’s goofy but powerful buddy, Okuyasu Nijimura, being played by actor Mackenyu, who is also known as the son of action star Sonny Chiba.
\虹村億泰❗/ 深く物事を考えずいつも兄・形兆の足を引っ張る弟・億泰。 サイドの髪を銀に染め、眉毛も剃って挑んだ真剣佑さんは「演じる上で試行錯誤を繰り返しましたが作り込みながら近づいていけたと思います」とコメント。 #ジョジョ映画
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 14, 2017
▼ Masaki Okada, who is also appearing in the Gintama live action movie this year, plays Okuyasu’s ruthless older brother, Keicho Nijimura.
\虹村形兆 解禁❗/ ある恐ろしい目的のために杜王町で暗躍する冷酷無比な男・虹村形兆。 演じる岡田さんは原作ファンで「衣装とヘアスタイルが本当に素敵。毎日準備していく中で形兆になっていけました」と話していました! #ジョジョ映画
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 14, 2017
▼ Actress and model Nana Komatsu, who recently appeared in Martin Scorsese’s Silence, plays Yukako Yamagishi, one of the girls from the high school that Josuke, Koichi and Okuyasu all go to. And if you think she looks lovely, you might want to think again, because … well, let’s just say she has some unhealthy obsessive tendencies.
\山岸由花子も解禁❗/ 同じく仗助の同級生で、転校してきた康一の世話係りを命じられ強い使命感を抱いている由花子。ウェーブの長い髪に意志を感じさせる不敵な表情。小松菜奈さんがミステリアスな雰囲気を漂わせます✨#ジョジョ映画 #小松菜奈
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 07, 2017
▼ Takayuki Yamada, who has appeared in other live-action adaptations such as the Gantz films and the Arakawa Under the Bridge TV series, plays the despicable villain Angelo, the very first enemy Josuke encounters in Diamond is Unbreakable.
\アンジェロ 解禁❗/ 血も涙もない最低の凶悪犯、片桐安十郎(通称:アンジェロ)。演じた山田さんは「僕はこういった役なので変わらずに、夜道を歩くときは誰かを狙います(笑)。一応大きな組織に属しているので、本当にはしないですが精神的……
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 22, 2017
▼ And here’s Yusuke Iseya portraying Jotaro Kujo, Josuke’s older nephew and one of the most popular characters in the entire JoJo series. Iseya is also no stranger to live-action adaptations, as his past work includes appearances in the film versions of Ruroni Kenshin, the Kaiji series and Ashita no Joe (Champion Joe)
\承太郎解禁❗/ キャラ解禁ラストは空条承太郎。血縁上は仗助の甥。中学時代から承太郎に恐ろしいほど憧れていたという伊勢谷友介さんは「撮影はすごく刺激的で楽しかった。スペインの街の中であるからこそジョジョの衣装が馴染み、違和感がない……
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) February 28, 2017
▼ And this is what Kento Yamazaki looks like as Josuke, which we’ve shown you previously when the image was released in January.
\謹賀新年!2017年はジョジョイヤー/ 東方仗助ビジュアル解禁! 『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない第一章』は8月4日(金)公開です! #ジョジョ映画
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) December 31, 2016
▼ Here’s what some of the characters look like in the anime. How do you think the live-action cast compare?
▼ They’ve also come out with an official poster of the movie featuring a close-up of Josuke.
\ポスターも完成❗/ その「力(スタンド)」を使う時が来た。 杜王町に住む東方仗助は、心根の優しい高校生。彼はスタンドという特殊能力を持っており、触れるだけで他人のケガや壊れたものを直すことができる。 連続する奇妙な事件から、……
映画『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』公式 (@jojomovie_jp) March 06, 2017
And we finally have a trailer with actual footage from the movie! It’s quite short, but it gives us a first look at the characters from Diamond is Unbreakable in motion. The concept of the trailer is that something bizarre is happening in the town of Morioh, where Josuke and his friends live, and we certainly can’t argue with that.
What do you think? Unfortunately, after seeing the released images, the majority of Japanese JoJo fans still seem to think the whole project is an absolute travesty, so much so that some people are begging fellow fans not to go see the movie so that whoever is in charge will decide not to make any sequels. (Yes, the film has been titled JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbrekable Chapter 1, so the plan is apparently to make further chapters.)
So, are the pictures really that bad? Okay, the quality and details of the costumes aren’t exactly perfect, but we think some of the images are passable, particularly for the characters of Yukako and Jotaro. What really could make or break this movie is how they show the various characters’ superpowers, which are visualized in different semi-physical forms called “stands”, and we haven’t seen any of those yet.
It’s definitely a huge challenge, and while Japanese netizens seem pessimistic about how the movie will turn out, we hope the cast and crew can give us some decent-looking stands, because if they can’t do that, then we really could end up with a movie not worth seeing, and we don’t think that’s something any JoJo fan would want.
Source: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbrekable Chapter 1 official website, Twitter/ @jojomovie_jp
Top image: Twitter/ @jojomovie_jp