RocketNews24 is looking for a new writer, and it just might be you!

Ever wanted to write for RocketNews24? Here’s your chance!

If you’re reading this, we’re guessing you’re a fan of RocketNews24 and our regular coverage of intriguing and unusual goings-on in Japan and the rest of Asia. We suppose there’s also a chance that your browser got pointed here by accident when one of your pets ran across your keyboard or started chewing on your smartphone (a possibility we’ll address shortly), but for now, let’s go with the “you’re a fan” theory.

First, we’d like to thank you for visiting RocketNews24. Second, we’d like to invite you to help make it!

We’re currently looking to add a new member to our writing team who can contribute articles to the site on weekends. Specifically, we’re looking for someone who:
● Is enthusiastic about trends, news, and events happening in Japan and Asia
● Writes in English in a professional, lively, and engaging style that goes beyond direct translation
● Speaks and reads Japanese at an advanced level (equivalent to JLPT N2 or better)
● Has experience living or travelling extensively in Japan, plus a good sense of humor
● Possesses a solid knowledge of Internet and social media culture
● Preferably smells great, so that we can continue claiming to be “the Internet’s best-smelling writing team”

If that sounds like you, we’re accepting applications right now! Though we’re based in Tokyo, you don’t need to live in Japan’s capital to apply. You just need to prepare these four things:
1. Your resume, written in English
2. Your resume, written in Japanese
3. An English version of the Japanese RocketNews24 article linked to below, incorporating as much of the original content as you can plus any necessary additions to present the topic in a manner that would be interesting and entertaining for our English readers.
北海道新幹線が開業! さっそく新函館北斗駅に行ってみたらケンシロウが立っててビビった
4. An original English-language article of your own, approximately 400-500 words in length, that you think would be of interest to our readers. The article can be based on an existing news story or your own experiences and observations.

Once you’ve got all those put together, send your documents via e-mail to the following address:
with 「週末英語版ライター募集/Your Name」 as the subject line.

Thanks for your interest in RocketNews24, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Oh, and if it was your pets that got you to this page, give them some snacks and a belly rub for us. Good work, guys!



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