This Elderly Man Spoon-Feeding His Wife Ice Cream Will Make You Cry In The Club

There's nothing in the world that warms my heart like an old, married couple who are still in love after all these years. And today, my heart just got super warm. Seriously, I'm feeling every feeling ever right now.

Basically, a Reddit user was in a Sonic parking lot (you know, where you drive up and eat the food in your car?) when they spotted and older man and his wife. You guys, the Reddit user saw this cute old man feeding his wife ice cream as the sat with each other in the car. And lucky for us, the person managed to snag a pic!


An elderly man sitting outside of his car door spoon feeding his wife ice cream from pics

In the photo, it appears that the elderly man literally got out of the driver's seat and sat on the other side of the car with his wife (presumably), and he literally spoon-fed her ice cream.

The guy who saw the two posted the adorable picture to Reddit, where it gained lots of attention. Other users even started sharing their own adorable encounters with true love…

Like this man who was holding his wheelchair-bound wife up during a concert.

I was at a Paul McCartney show last night and there was a guy with his wife two rows in front of me. She is in a wheelchair as it was sitting off to the side of them. During the first song, he was kinda holding her up so she can dance to he music. Thought it was a nice moment and gesture, just like this guy with the ice cream.


Or this man who knew he'd never find a woman as good as his wife.

After my mom had a stroke she was completely paralyzed and had to have a feeding tube and live in a nursing home. On a good day she could kind of mouth words. She asked my dad: "are you going to throw me away?" He told her, ''Hell no. It's too hard to find another good woman." He went there everyday after work unless he was sick until she passed. Tomorrow will be the two year anniversary of me finding him deceased in his bed. I think I need a drink now.


And this man who still holds his wife's hand after she had to have her wedding ring cut off.

Old lady here – for all you young people wondering about love, real love, this is it. We all get old (assuming you live long enough) and the odds are high that one of both of you will deteriorate physically. I'll never forget the sad day where swelling from rheumatoid arthritis meant they had to cut my wedding ring off my finger. Turns out it wasn't that big a deal – he still holds my hand and I wouldn't trade that for anything.


Or this man who's truly been there for his wife through thick and thin.

I work at a dialysis clinic for patients with end stage renal failure. There's a patient that is wheelchair/bedbound. Needs to be moved with a hoyer lift to be moved into a chair, so she can sit for her 3.5 hour dialysis treatment 3 times a week. Her husband brings her to all of her treatments. Transfers her on his own into the chair, and then sits there with her for the whole treatment. Sometimes just holding her hand, or resting his eyes while she sleeps. It's the sweetest, and saddest thing I've ever witnessed between a married couple.


All right, now, grab a tissue, wipe those tears off your face, and get back to work at finding the kind of true love this man who feeds his wife ice cream has.

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This Elderly Man Spoon-Feeding His Wife Ice Cream Will Make You Cry In The Club

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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