Hole-y crap! Instagram makeup artist Mimi Choi transforms her face into surreal works of art 【Pics】

From black hole faces to sushi hands, you can’t make up this stuff… unless you’re her.

We’ve seen some pretty impressive displays of makeup prowess before, like one woman who turned into every single Sailor Scout, or another who looks indistinguishable from a porcelain doll.

But never before have we seen photos of makeup like the ones from Vancouver makeup artist Mimi Choi.

▼ No Photoshop or special effects, just 1.5 painstaking hours in front of a mirror.
Be sure to click to watch the video for some extra surprises!

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We’re not sure if we should be traumatized or hypnotized, but either way we’re incredibly impressed.

Mimi says that for her makeup ideas she draws inspiration from her surroundings, as well as paintings, photography, and emotions. For example, the “hole in the face” makeup was inspired by Salvador Dali’s bronze statue “Surrealist Newton.”

▼ We’d say she nailed it.

▼ Dali has inspired some other looks too,
like this one where Mimi turns her face into a melting clock.

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But sometimes inspiration can come from even simpler (and stranger!) places. Take a look at Mimi’s sushi makeup that she painted onto her hands, inspired by a sushi dinner she had.

▼ Again, be sure to click the picture to watch the video.
I would not want any of these suddenly unfurling like that on my plate!

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Some of the looks only take an hour or two to complete, which is still an incredible testament to Mimi’s patience, but other more complicated ones can take a significant part of her waking hours.

▼ Like this Jenga look, which took four hours…

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▼ …or these shoelace eyes, which took a whopping five hours.
Watching the eyes blink in the video is downright haunting.

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▼ Although this dog-muzzle look might be the creepiest one yet.

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…never mind.
I can’t take my eyes off this one. All 11 of them.

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If you want to see more of Mimi’s unbelievable work — and there’s plenty more to see! — then be sure to check her out on Instagram.

Now if we could just somehow get her to do a collaboration with Japanese makeup extraordinaire Zawachin, who is capable of becoming any celebrity of any gender, we’d love to see what they could come up with together.

Source: Instagram/mimles via Allure
Featured image: Instagram/mimles



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