Japanese artist’s drawings are so incredibly realistic that they have people worried about him
Can you be a “mad artist” like you can be a “mad scientist?”
Sometimes artists accidentally summon demons when making art, but most of the time it’s the demons that get us to do art in the first place, whether we’re trying to escape from them, placate them, or even be inspired by them.
And one of those might be the case with the art shared by Japanese Twitter user @oomrshiz, who showed off an unbelievable drawing made by her little brother.
▼ “My little brother is amazing at drawing these precise pictures with pencil. He was drawing this bolt and nut nonstop, and I could feel a little insanity from him. This one took him 240 hours (still not done). It’s not a photo.”
下の弟はえんぴつで精密な絵を描くのが得意なんだけど、最近はずっと、このボルトとナットを描いていて、さすがにすこし狂気を感じる。これは、240時間目の状態(未完成)だそうです。写真じゃないんです… https://t.co/mbFoW2KCqI
おおもりしずか (@oomrshiz) October 24, 2017
I don’t think any of us would bat an eye if we were shown this picture and told that it was a zoomed-in photo of a nut and bolt. The details, the lighting, the shadows… the only thing that gives it away is the unfinished right half of the nut, and the sharpened pencil lying beside it.
In fact, it’s so good that, just like the artist’s sister alluded to, we can feel for ourselves a bit of the insanity that went into the 240 hours of crafting it. And we weren’t alone. Here’s what Japanese Twitter had to say:
“It’s not insanity. It’s madness. And be sure to tell him he can make a lot of money with drawings like that.”
“Can’t help but feel the craziness that went into drawing those reflections on the metal surfaces.”
“Obsessing over a drawing nonstop to the point of insanity is a well-known story when it comes to artists getting better. It’s what ‘mad geniuses’ do.”
“To have such skilled eyes, hands, and the patience to be so precise… truly wonderful.”
Of course this picture of the nut and bolt is far from the only one that her brother Kohei has produced. He’s posted many others on his social media outlets and has gained quite a following, which is understandable seeing how incredible all of them are. Here’s just a few:
▼ “85 days and 250 hours, pencils and nerves,
sharpening them and wearing them down every day….”
85日250時間、鉛筆と神経、尖らせては擦り減らし の毎日だった… http://ift.tt/2yNCY8g #pencildrawing https://t.co/WP9x01pxMs
Kohei (@kohei6620) April 16, 2016
▼ “Don’t think this’ll turn out better than
the last one, so I’m stopping it here.”
前回を上回れそうにないし これにて終わりにしよう。 http://ift.tt/2yO5vdT https://t.co/jZy8pnpWuY
Kohei (@kohei6620) October 15, 2016
▼ That’s no photo of Gackt, it’s a drawing.
We have a feeling he’d appreciate the artist’s love of automobiles.
できた。#GACKT http://t.co/4Wgw3ZGj24
Kohei (@kohei6620) November 12, 2013
▼ And just in case you’re still not convinced that they’re drawings and not photos,
you can see a few drafts of the nut and bolt picture on Kohei’s Instagram.
If you want to see more of Kohei’s amazing work, be sure to give him a follow. We wonder how long it will be until the nut and bolt picture is completed to his satisfaction. We can’t wait to see it!
Until then, if you want to see more photo-realistic drawings, check out another artist’s colored-pencil renditions of Tokyo that look like they were taken with a camera.
Source: Twitter/@oomrshiz via My Game News Flash
Featured image: Instagram/kohei6620