Japanese Twitter users prove that cats and expensive TVs don’t make good friends
Did you just destroy my 55-inch TV, you cute little furball?!
Sometimes we come to a mutual understanding with our fluffy cat overlords, particularly when they feel inclined to watch TV with us. We’re on the same wavelength, and the world knows peace forevermore.
Or so we’d like to think, for understanding these fickle-minded animals is like trying to comprehend alien behavior. That expensive TV can turn into a scratch toy as soon as we’ve got our backs turned, which is the case for many Japanese Twitter users who have taken to social media to air their woes.
▼ “The cat, the TV, ugh my head.”
猫、テレビ、うっ、頭がっ>RT https://t.co/Se8bLUOCZT
ボマーそじゅ@ダーリン (@sozyu_37) October 18, 2017
▼ “My cat peed and now the TV’s broken.”
猫のおしっこでテレビが壊れた… https://t.co/2HnJpFPx5q
ZEKELotus (@lotus0116ZEKE) May 08, 2016
What’s perhaps the most infuriating of it all is that they have absolutely no idea how much damage they’ve caused. Or maybe they’re just incredibly adept at feigning innocence.
▼ “It was broken in the first place,” mocks the remorseless cat.
猫がTV壊した http://t.co/ZPjsmRQFE2
停止垢Ж新垢プロフ記載 (@renren_1229) November 18, 2014
▼ One Twitter user’s cat sat victoriously
on top of the TV it destroyed…
あああああああああああああーーーーーー!!!! https://t.co/3TL7RH13pB
七桃りお@箱庭王国3巻重版出来 (@nanamomorio) October 16, 2017
▼ …so its owner hung an “I wrecked the TV” placard around its neck.
That’ll teach the furball a lesson.
Another netizen was so furious that he decided to make an example out of his cat. He enlisted his wife’s help in fashioning a makeshift prison for the culprit.
▼ The sneaky vandal broke out of it after two minutes.
He’ll need another prison for that.
テレビを壊した猫の監獄を奥さんが作ったのだけれど2分で脱獄された https://t.co/78fV0Jh6CX
ユウキレイ (@YuukiRay) June 02, 2017
Cats are cats, and no matter how mischievous they get, we just can’t stay angry at them for long. In the event your TV does get smashed by them, we recommend first calming yourself down by watching a video of a cat gently caressing a cherry.
Then go buy a new TV.
Source: My Game News Flash
Featured image: Twitter/@nanamomorio