Newest Japanese Twitter craze has users guessing movies using only emoji as hints

A picture is worth a thousand words, but only if you can guess it right.

It wasn’t too long ago that Japanese social media was alight with crazy fads like sticking burgers through soft drink straws, and while that hasn’t quite died down yet, it seems that Japanese Twitter is now taken over by another trend: having people guess the name of movies, anime, or cartooons using just emoji as hints.

Resembling an emoji version of Pictionary, the hints can range from direct references to characters in film to complex description of events from start to end. We’ve included a good mix of easy and difficult ones in eight tweets here, so get your brain juices flowing and see if you can figure out all of them. (Answers at bottom.)

▼ 1. A famous children’s book series.

▼ 2. Even Walt Disney Studios Japan pitched in five entries of their own.

▼ 3. Disney productions are rather popular among Japanese Twitter users.

▼ 4. An oldie but goldie.

▼ 5. You know things are about to get real exciting when there’s
a whole lot of bombs involved.

▼ 6. The rabbit’s a dead giveaway.

▼ 7. This one’s got three entries.

▼ 8. A famous American movie from the 90s.

The answers to all of them are as follows:

1. Winnie the Pooh
2. Beauty and the Beast, Zootopia, Pirates of the Caribbean, Cars, Frozen
3. Mulan
4. Babe
5. Godzilla Resurgence (Shin Godzilla)
6. Alice in Wonderland
7. Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away
8. Forrest Gump

Short of outright spewing out movie spoilers, emoji might be the best way to tell friends how awesome that film was without going into juicy details. Just be wary that you can be branded crazy if you send certain emoji combinations.

Source: Netlab
Featured image: Twitter/@disneystudiojp



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