Chinese woman dazzles the net with her transformations into Western celebrities【Video】

Young woman transforms herself into Britney, Beyoncé, and T-Swift with only the power of makeup.

We’ve recently seen how makeup trends from two different countries could transform our reporter’s face into two completely different people. But what if that makeup could transform her into celebrities from across the world?

As it turns out, 23-year-old Jiawen Wang from Chengdu, Sichuan Province in China has such a power. Wang began working with makeup approximately three years ago and has truly perfected her craft. One day, after deciding to transform into singer Katy Perry on a whim, the online response was so great that she decided to keep it up.

Wang now challenges herself to transform into about nine different Western celebrities per month. Nothing can stop her — not ethnic, racial, or even gender boundaries, as demonstrated in a recent video turning herself into actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Sina Weibo/闪瞎眼的闪闪

Wang has become increasingly popular on the Chinese social media site Sina Weibo, where she demonstrates her techniques for all to see. She likes to pull up photos of actual celebrities on her phone and then display the photo side-by-side with her own work. According to her, it takes a minimum of four hours to complete one creation.

Check out the following sample video in which Wang tackles Britney Spears, Kat Dennings, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Rihanna. Would you be able to tell that she’s not the real thing?

That’s some truly impressive talent right there! Now if we could somehow get her to internationally collaborate with surreal-makeup extraordinaire Mimi Choi, we’d love to see what they come up with together.

Sources: Facebook/PearVideo捜狐, Sina Weibo/闪瞎眼的闪闪
Images: Facebook/PearVideo



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