How you can help victims of Japan’s massive flood and earthquake by enjoying delicious Kit Kats

This one of the best-tasting Kit Kat flavors out of Japan’s many exclusives, and it’s aiding the recovery of disaster-stricken Osaka and West Japan.

Due to the nation’s tectonic position and regional weather patterns, earthquakes and typhoons are a part of life in Japan. We’ve been reminded of that in tragic fashion twice this summer, with Osaka being shaken by the prefecture’s strongest-ever-recorded earthquake in June, followed by storms and flooding taking lives and destroying infrastructure in West Japan in July.

Way over on the far other end of the spectrum of inevitabilities of life in Japan are, of course, the bounty of exclusive local Kit Kat flavors the country is blessed with, and now the chocolate-covered wafers are set to help with the recovery of the areas that have been hit by this summer’s natural disasters. Nestlé Japan has announced that it will be selling a special Kit Kat flavor, usually sold only in the Hiroshima area, nationwide in order to help raise funds to be donated to relief programs in Osaka and West Japan.

Sweetening the deal is the fact that the flavor, Momiji Manju, combines one of Japan’s most delicious traditional sweets with the widely loved Kit Kat format. Covered in white chocolate and with powdered sweet anko beans sandwiched between the wafers, the Momiji Manju Kit Kats recreate the iconic maple leaf-shaped (momiji being the Japanese word for “maple”) bite-size cake dumplings that have been a favorite of travelers to Hiroshima for more than a century.

The earthquake/flood relief Kit Kat Mini Momiji Manju (box pictured above) contains three individually wrapped Kit Kats, is priced at 160 yen (US$1.40), and goes on sale October 9 at supermarkets and convenience stores across Japan. It follows Nestlé Japan’s previous charity Kit Kats for victims of this spring’s Kumamoto earthquake and 2017 north Japan typhoon, showing once again that helping those in need isn’t just kind, but sweet too.

Source: Nestlé, PR Times via IT Media
Top image: Nestlé



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