Chinese boy tries to gift mother $1,200 diamond ring, bursts into tears when he gets rejected

Boy’s innocent deed speaks volumes about his filial love for his mom.

A mother’s love for her children can oftentimes seem like a one-way affair, but during the times when kids reciprocate her feelings in a big way, the effects can be really tear jerking.

Which was the case when a ten-year-old Chinese boy pulled his mother into a jewelry store in Tianmen, Hubei province on 11 February. Explaining to the staff that he intended to buy a diamond ring for his mother using the 8,800 yuan he had saved over Chinese New Year, the child settled on a 8,100-yuan (US$1,200) ring after a quick browse.

▼ The mother thought it was a harmless joke and tried it on.

▼ It looked great on her!

▼ She slowly began to realize he was serious about the purchase.

The son apparently had the best of intentions, thinking the gift would ensure mom would not feel left out as all his classmates’ mothers wore sparkly and glitzy rings.

The mother certainly appreciated his kind gesture, but splurging so much money that could otherwise be used for his future did not felt right. In order to dissuade her son, she took a quick look around and picked something that would be impossible for him to afford: a 50,700-yuan ring.

“When you have saved up more money, you can buy this for mommy, all right?” she told him gently.

▼ Unable to give her happiness,
he burst into tears and the pair left the store shortly after.

Chinese netizens scrubbed at eyes wet with tears and gave the son a thumbs up:

“What a nice ten-year-old boy!”
“Children should learn how to give, and not always beg to receive things.”
“This boy has a bright future.”
“He was really brought up well.”
“The family is truly blessed with an understanding son like him.”

Diamond ring or not, we are pretty sure the mother was happy all the same, knowing full well just how much he loves her. Parents do not need much from their children, as all it takes is a little love to bring a big smile to their faces.

Source: Wang Yi, YouTube/See Hua Online via Next Shark
Top image: GAHAG
Insert images: YouTube/See Hua Online



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