“Bully insurance” now on the rise, with many more practical uses than just insuring bullying

Parents in all sorts of predicaments can benefit from this low cost, expansive insurance policy. 

Bullying has become a serious problem in Japan, with the amount of reported incidents increasing by more than 91,000 in 2017 alone. Sadly, the problem doesn’t seem to have a solution on the horizon, as schools are often slow or even unwilling to resolve issues, which leaves many children in the dust.

One of the most popular ways for children to bully each other nowadays is over the Internet. Students use forums, the messaging app Line, and Twitter to post rumors about their classmates, share their private affairs without their permission, and speak ill of each other. This behavior is steadily increasing, and with the advancement of technology, kids are getting better and better at it, and more and more malicious.

That’s why this year, Japanese insurance company Yell has started offering bully insurance, to help offset the potential legal costs that could result from bullying. The insurance plan costs just 2,640 yen (US$24.40) per month, and hundreds of concerned parents have already signed up.

The primary objective of the policy seems to be legal insurance. Those who join a bully insurance plan will have access to a free initial consultation with a lawyer when an issue arises, as well as a free telephone consultation service and support in finding a lawyer. The company can also help mitigate any damage claims against the school or the offender, and will reimburse up to 70 percent of any fees paid to the lawyer.

The insurance will also cover the medical fees associated with an injury, either incurred or perpetrated, by your child during an incident of bullying, as well as provide compensation for broken or destroyed property. Plus, the service can also assist with divorce, sexual and power harassment in the workplace, disputes in the neighborhood, and contract disputes, so for many parents, it could be very useful. As long as someone has children under the age of 18 years old in their family, they can sign up.

Though this isn’t the first insurance policy to offer compensation for bullying, this particular plan was born from a desire to be able to use a lawyer to resolve bullying issues, and so became the first “bully insurance” offered in Japan. But with so many practical uses at such a small price, it’s no wonder that the policy has become popular since its release in May. Knowing a lawyer is just a phone call away must provide an invaluable peace of mind for parents, who constantly worry about their children.

Source: Naver Matome
Featured image: Pakutaso
Insert images: Yell (1), Pakutaso (2)

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