Official Totoro reclining sofa makes naps on the Ghibli star’s tummy a real-life option【Photos】

20:14 cherishe 0 Comments

Recreate anime’s greatest nap in the comfort of your own home.

Though it pains our hearts to say it, there are a number of scenes in the classic Studio Ghibli anime movie My Neighbor Totoro that we’re never going to be able to experience in real life. Flying through the sky on the forest spirit’s spinning top, planting a seed that sprouts and grows into a gigantic tree in just a single night…these sorts of things simply can’t be done without magic.

But that scene where little girl Mei lies on Totoro’s tummy for the coziest-looking nap in the entire history of Japanese animation? That, it turns out, can be done in our world.

“Totoro’s fluffy tummy feels so nice!” reads the Japanese text in the above photo of the My Neighbor Totoro Reclining Sofa, the newest offering from Ghibli specialty shop chain Donguri Kyowakoku. And the “reclining” part of the name doesn’t just mean that Totoro can lie flat on his back, but that you can adjust the sofa’s angle to your liking, with a total of 14 possible settings/poses he can hold.

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To be clear, this isn’t just a big plushie with a frame inside. Donguri Kyowakoku says it’s made with legitimate sofa materials, so it should be as supportive and comfy as a mundane, non-adorable couch would be to sit or lounge on.

At 59 centimeters (23.2 inches) across, 54 in length for the lower section, and an additional 53 for the upper section, this is intended first and foremost for younger Ghibli fans, but it should be plenty big enough for kids around Mei’s age.

The Totoro Reclining Sofa is priced at 36,000 yen (US$342) and can be ordered here through the Donguri Kyowakoku online shop, with shipping scheduled for late June.

Source, images: Donguri Kyowakoku
Top image: Studio Ghibli
Insert images: Donguri Kyowakoku

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