Three sisters in Japan skip building a snowman, build awesome snow Totoro Catbus instead【Video】

Siblings make use of their school’s snow day in the best way possible.

Ordinarily, Wednesday would have been a school day for Japanese Twitter user @sahoirs’s three daughters. But with heavy snowfall in the rural town in Japan’s Kansai region where they live, their schools were shut down on the last Wednesday of last month.

@sahoirs still had to go in to her part-time job, but she was home by the evening. She’d been planning to shovel the snow in front of their home’s entrance when she got back, but when she arrived, she found that her daughters had already taken care of that chore. The kids’ thoughtful actions had two benefits: Mom could relax after a day at work, and the three sisters had space in which to create an awesome snow Catbus.

This isn’t just a snow sculpture of the beloved character from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbor Totoro anime film, though. It’s actually a snow structure, an igloo (or kamakura, to use the Japanese term) shaped like the Catbus that they could crawl inside of and had illuminated with softly glowing light sources.

It’s an impressive display of artistic and snow engineering skill. Not only is the face instantly recognizable as the Catbus, there’s enough structural integrity to keep the roof from caving in even with the large openings for the entrance and windows.

Along with hundreds of thousands of views, the video has earned comments including:

“Such awesome kids.”
“Your daughters have great artistic sensibilities.”
“I bet they’ll grow up to be sculptors.”
“It’s like something you’d see at the [Sapporo] Snow Festival!”
“I wanna go for a ride in that Catbus!”

Unfortunately for that last commenter, warmer weather came the next day, causing the Catbus’ body to partially melt. @sahoirs’ youngest daughter did spruce things up, though, by making a snow Totoro to keep the Catbus company.

With warmer weather just around the corner, we probably won’t be seeing another snow Catbus from @sahoirs’ daughters for a while. She says that they’ve been overjoyed at the happy online reactions, though, and hopefully those warm fuzzy feelings will last through at least the spring.

Source: Twitter/@sahoirs via IT Media
Images: Twitter/@sahoirs
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