Japanese melon butter, where have you been all our lives? 【Taste Test】

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Melon butter is here to make everything better. 

With summer just around the corner, our taste buds are beginning to crave fruity cool sensations, and here to help is import food chain Kaldi, with a product called Melon Butter.

Unlike a lot of their products, which are imported from a wide variety of countries, this Melon Butter is a homegrown product, made for its own-brand range.

▼ Japan is famous for its melons, and this butter is filled to the brim with them.

While melons are beloved around the country, melon butter is something a lot of people in Japan have likely never heard of before, making this product incredibly unusual. As soon as we saw it, we knew we had to try it, and after lifting the lid off the jar, we were immediately perfumed with the thick, luscious, fruity scent of melon.

▼ Slipping a knife into the jar, we spread the mix on a slice of white bread, where it looked like a layer of lumpy butter.

One bite of this and we were immediately hooked. Despite being buttery, it was light and refreshing….and so incredibly addictive we needed to have more of it, this time doubling up on the fruity flavour by spreading it on a melon pan.

Again, this was absolutely delicious, and incredibly decadent, thanks to the sweet addition of sugar in the bread. That gave us the idea to try it with another sweet, so we opened our freezer door and spooned out a dollop of vanilla ice cream.

Dropping a spoonful of Melon Butter on top, our ice cream instantly levelled up a notch, looking like something you’d order at a fancy sweets parlour.

Mmmmm…this was another match made in melon heaven! In fact, we were tempted to add a pinch of salt to bring out the sweetness even more but by that stage, we’d already gone through half the jar and thought we’d better hold back on eating more…at least until we’d secured ourselves another jar of Melon Butter!

Priced at 667 yen (US$5.06), this is one Kaldi product we’ll definitely be stocking up on this summer. It’s a lighter alternative to Kaldi’s Spreadable Melon Pan, which is another must-have for melon lovers!

Related: Kaldi
Images © SoraNews24

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