Subway Japan has sweet red bean sandwiches?!?【Taste test】

19:13 cherishe 0 Comments

We try the sandwich shop’s take on anpan, one of Japan’s favorite sweet snacks.

In Japan, much like in the U.S., Subway is considered a relatively healthy fast food option, what with the lack of fried food and abundance of veggies in their sandwiches. So imagine our surprise, and our hunger, when we found out that Subway Japan also has a dessert sandwich, and a very Japanese one at that.

It’s hiding in plain sight on the menu, way down at the bottom…

…where we found Subway Japan’s sweet red bean sandwich!

Sweet red beans and bread aren’t an unprecedented combination in Japan, as one of the country’s favorite sweet snacks is anpan, which literally means “sweet red bean bread.” But while anpan is sweet red beans inside an enclosed bun, Subway uses their sandwich bread for their anko (sweet red bean sandwich).

According to Subway’s website, their simplest anko sandwich is made with just anko and bread. What was pictured on the menu at the branch we went to, and what our taste-testing reporter Mr. Sato tried, is the Sweet Red Beans and Mascarpone.

Since it’s a dessert, the anko sandwich is half the size of a full-size one. At just 190 yen (US$1.45) by itself, though, or 390 yen with a drink, it’s not at all a cost-prohibitive deal.

Lifting back the bread to take a peek inside, Mr. Sato was greeted with a generous spread of sweet beans, with the mascarpone cheese mixed in. He also realized that while the photo on the menu showed sesame seeds, his anko sandwich was on rustically simple wheat bread.

Visual check complete, it was time to take a bite…

…and it was amazingly good! The invitingly soft bread and the slight firmness of the beans made for an enticing mix of textures. The bread has just a touch of saltiness to it, and this helped to draw out even more of the anko’s sweetness.

“This is great, and it would be even better if you toasted the bread,” Mr. Sato thought, though unfortunately by this time he’d already eaten the whole thing. He’ll have to try that the next time he gets a Subway anko sandwich, which, because of how delicious it is, is something he’ll probably be doing very soon.

The only real downside Mr. Sato could find here is that the anko sandwich is only available after 2 p.m., so you’ll have to fight your anko cravings until then, or maybe pick up two at once so you can save the second for breakfast the next day.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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