We try the viral screaming rubber chicken car park hack in Japan

Who needs fancy parking sensors when you’ve got chickens to help you out?

Recently, our Japanese-language reporters have been looking abroad for new life hacks, checking out social media platforms like TikTok to find new ways to make their lives easier.

After having success with the wearable umbrella, our reporter Masanuki Sunakoma was keen to try a new hack from abroad, involving screaming rubber chickens. Luckily for him, these chickens can be purchased in Japan, and Masanuki found his at the whacky Don Quijote chainstore.

Masanuki had initially wanted to purchase six or seven of these screaming chickens, but given that they cost 1,099 yen (US$7.70) each, he decided he could get away with purchasing just four. Costing a total of 4,396 yen, this was a bit of an investment, but if the hack were to work, Masanuki figured it would be worth it.

Once he got them home, it was time for Masanuki to prepare his chickens. This didn’t involve any plucking or roasting — instead, he had to attach each one to the wire fence in his residential parking lot.

▼ He used some string to keep them in position.

Attaching them with their stomachs at car-bumper-height, Masanuki lined the chickens up and stood back to admire his handiwork.

They looked to be evenly placed, which was what he wanted because these chooks were soon going to be cushioning his vehicle…as long as everything went according to plan.

The only thing to do now was to test it, so he hopped into his car and reversed into his parking space.

▼ Whoo hoo! Success!

While the chickens had safely cushioned Masanuki’s car bumper from the fence, one more short push would reveal the true beauty of using screaming chickens…


For the record, “pi” (pronounced “pee”) is Japanese onomatopoeia for a beep-like sound, and that’s the sound these chooks made when the bumper pressed into them. They were so loud that Masanuki could hear them from the driver’s seat, showing just how effective this parking system was.

▼ Swipe left to watch video of the chickens in action.

This hack worked a treat, and to top it all off, no chickens were harmed in the process. In fact, they immediately sprang back to their normal shape after the experiment, ready to cushion his bumper again another day.

With the bright yellow colour standing out nicely in the rearview mirror, and their calls alerting the driver when to stop, it’s almost as if these chickens were designed to cushion car bumpers in parking lots.

So if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to reverse into a car space like this, you might want to give this chicken hack a try. You should use more chickens than Masanuki did, though, to make things noisier, brighter and safer, so don’t be afraid to stock up on them — if you have any left over you can always use them for musical performances!

Photos © SoraNews24
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